Sick-Alec Lightwood

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Today was quiet, no mission, no bad guy. And that made you happy, these kid of days made you happy because finally you and Alec could do something together like go out or stay in watching a movie or something. 
The alarm clock went off, even though the alarm clock makes a horribly loud sound Alec didn't wake up, he was still sleeping next to you. You smiled when you saw his beautiful face sound asleep. You slowly got up, making sure you didn't make any noise, and took a shower... 

After doing all the morning routine, shower, brushing your teeth, blow-drying and styling your hair and getting dressed, you went in your bedroom, only to see Alec playing on his phone. 
-Good morning babe! -he said when he looked at you.-Slept well?! 

-Well, good morning to you too. And yes, i had you by my side, and that makes me happy. -you sat on the corner of the bed, waiting for him to get up. 

-So, what are we going to do today?! -He asked while slowly getting up, his hair was a mess and his morning voice....Oh my god, melted your heart. You lifted your shoulders. - i have absolutely no idea. 

-Well, i do have one idea. -he said while smiling and coming closer to you. -We're going by the pool and we're going to have some fun. -he said while bringing his face closer to yours, he was trying to seduce you. You let out a laugh and got up, pushing him.-First, you reaaaaallllly need to brush your teeth, second that's a good idea. 
He laughed at you, and said: -Great! Now let me take a shower. 

*After 3 hours* 
It was about 1 pm, when you and Alec arrived by the pool, it was a cool view, but it was cold. 

-Alec, this is a horrible idea! -you said to him

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-Alec, this is a horrible idea! -you said to him.
-NOOOOO, silly, this is a great idea! 

-Alec, it's incredibly cold. We're going to get sick. 
-NOPE.-He yelled while jumping onto the water. 

You just laid down, trying to cover yourself with the towels. He looked at you, and lifted his eyebrow. 
-What?! It's cold. 
He started swimming again, but soon stopped. 
-You know, it's not the same without you. 

-I don't care. I am not getting in the water. 
-Gosh, okay. 

You felt kinda bad for leaving him like that, you sighed and got up. You went closer to the edge and smiled at him. -Come out now. You're getting a cold. 
-Okay. -he smiled back. He came closer to you.-Help me get out. -He reached for your hand and you offered it. He pulled you in the water and started laughing. 
-ASSHOLE. -You yelled and started splashing water at him. 

After like what?! two hours you got out of the water.You two sneezed at the same exact time. 
-I told you we're going to get a cold. But do you listen to me?! NO.
He didn't say anything, just smiled at you and came closer to your face, trying to kiss you. 
But instead he just sneezed on your face. 

-EW, you're so disgusting. 

*At the clave*
You,Alec,Izzy,Jace,Clary,Simon and Alec's parents were having dinner. During the whole time you and Alec just sneezed or coughed. 
-Alec, i told you pool was a bad idea. -His mom said to him while putting her fork down. 
-Yes, but we just had -He said while smiling. -I mean we had a day off so...

-Because it was a day off, it doesn't mean you should go by the pool on a really cold day. Look at Y/N, she's horribly sick because of you.-Izzy interrupted him. 

Alec just rolled his eyes in annoyance, you didn't say anything just looked at Alec, and smiled. 

After dinner, you two went to your room, still sneezing and feeling really bad. -I think my temperature is really high. 
-Ohhh, my poor baby. -He said while touching your forehead. -Don't worry i am going to take care of you. 
-But you're sick yourself. 
-I don't care. 

The next morning came and you were even more sick. Alec wasn't in bed when you woke up and that made you sad a bit, because all you wanted right now was cuddle with him. :/
But then the door opened, only to reveal Alec with a tray in his hands. 

-Ohh, my baby is finally up. How are you feeling?! 


He just looked at you in pity and sighed. 

-I should've listened to you. 
-No, it's okay baby. -You went closer to him and slowly kissed him. 
-I love you, but now you need to eat breakfast and to drink these pills. 

After finishing breakfast you just laid down with him and cuddled. He hugged you tight and kissed your forehead. You cuddled, watched movies, ate together and even though you were sick he made you feel much much better. 



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