Jealous-Alec Lightwood part 3

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You fell backwards while the body was slowly coming closer to you. You started crawling backwards trying to get away from it. Then the door opened, it was Jace and Clary. There was no need for words, they could see him too. But as soon as Jace tried to touch him, it disappeared into thin air. Clary hugged you, while Jace was left speechless.   

*9:30 am*
-So you are saying that my son, Alec appeared and disappeared just like that?!-Alec's mom said to the young kids. Jace, Clary and you nodded at the same time, looking at her. Even though  that this "meeting" started about 1 hour ago, she never made eye contact with you as if you weren't there.

-Jace? Clary?! Are you serious?! Did you even hear what you said?!

-Yes, miss. We are very serious. Alec did appear, but it wasn't like a vision or something, he was hurt. Bleeding, his skin was ripped apart and...
-Jace!-she yelled at him. -I can't believe you, i mean this would suit Clary or even her.... But you ?! I trust you.

-Why don't you believe us?! -clary slammed her hands on the table.

You all stepped back, confused.

-He's been here, since the day when you came from the party.
-He's been here?! -Jace said, and after clearly hearing his question, she nodded. -I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU.
We were worried, we thought that he was dead or something, and you just randomly say that he's here?! -He yelled, scaring her. You've never seen him like that, you could clearly see his neck-veins.
-How is it possible that we didn't see him for like... what ... 5 days?! -You calmly asked.

-He's been in his room, thinking about life and...- she started but she was soon interrupted by Alec entering the room. He looked better than ever, he went towards his mum, kissed her cheek and threw his arm across her neck.

-Hey!-he said to us. He lifted his eyebrow when he looked at me, smirked and licked his lips.

You were happy he was okay, but yet something felt different about him, as if Alec wasn't ......Alec.
He wasn't the Alec you fell in love with and you knew it. Your heart wasn't lying. 
-So, if you were here this whole time, then what was that thing we saw in her room?! -Jace asked angry.

-I don't know. -Alec answered while lifting his shoulders. -You must be drugged or something. 
-Are you serious?! -Clary said while getting up from the chair she was sitting on.-I seriously give up, i can't believe you guys. -she said and got out of the room. Jace gave Alec a death glare and got out, and as soon as you started to walk he said:

-You look good. 

-I don't look good....i look great. -you answered without looking at him and got out of the room. 

The day went fast, you stayed in your room just thinking about what happened. Your brain was telling you to remove Alec from your life, but your heart told you this isn't real. 
You got up from your bed and started to walk slowly in the hallways, slowly reaching his room, but before you lowered the door handle, you heard someone. It was him, talking with someone.
-Things are going perfectly fine, they don't suspect a thing. 
-Are you sure?-the man asked, his voice sounded rough and deep. 

-Yes, as soon as possible i am going to steal the mortal cup and then i am going to blow this shit up. 
You raised an eyebrow, and trying to be quiet you started recording this whole conversation. 
-Hey!-Jace said loud enough for you to hear. You motioned to him to stay quiet, and soon after that he heard them talking too. 

-So, i should do this before sunday? 

-How's the idiot? 
-Well, it actually depends on how you define well. -the man started laughing. 

-Geez, these people here are so stupid. Once they find out i am not the real Alec they're going to flip. 

-No we're not surprised. -Jace answered once he entered the door. Alec, well the fake Alec turned around wide-eyed, the old man started running towards the window, but Jace caught him before he left. Soon enough everyone was there because of all that noise, his mom was really surprised, Izzy the same. 

But you, Clary and Jace weren't surprised at all, you knew something was off. You grabbed him by the arm and sat him down on a chair. 
-Now, tell me where is Alec? 
-Right here. -he answered, his voice shaking, his palms sweating. 
-I am not dumb, i know you're not the real Alec. 

He looked down and shifted, he was a shapeshifter, he didn't look like a human  actually he looked more like a lizard or something. You slowly backed away, scared from him but you didn't want him to think you were scared.

-He's in Houston Street, there's an apartment, in the fourth floor of the red building. Apartment number 4 

*At the apartment* 

Clary,Jace, Izzy and you were outside the door, you were all armed and ready to attack, as soon as Jace kicked the door open, a young girl screamed, she started shaking and apologizing. 

_insert fight here_ 

Alec was tied up in a chair, he was bleeding and he could barely talk. 

-Baby! -you ran closer to him. Touching his face, seeing him in this condition made your heart hurt. 
-Y/N -He said, his voice raspy and rough. 
-Shhhhh, don't talk babe. -you hugged him, it felt good to touch him again.. It felt nice. 


He was in your room, reading his favorite book, you entered the room smiling wide. 
-Hey! I am letting you stay in my room, at least a Hello or I love you?! 
-HI!-He said bored and started reading his book again. You went closer and closer until... you started tickling him. 
He laughed so hard it made you happy. His eyes started watering because all of that laughter. 

-Okay okay, i love you. please stop. -He said and you stopped. You sat down in front of him, he closed the book, looked you in the eyes. 
-Look, i don't know what he did before, but trust me i love you. 
You just smiled and kissed him....



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