Birthday-Alec Lightwood

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY-Izzy and Clary started singing while removing the blankets from your now relaxed body. You slowly opened your eyes, but soon covered them with your hands due to the light room you had. You just let out a laugh and got up. 
-Well, now i am officially 19 year old am i?! 
Izzy and Clary just nodded their heads and smiled big while holding a cake with a "19" candle on it.
-Well, i am getting old. -you sighed and went towards the girls. -Oh..don't worry! you're still young! -Izzy said while laughing. -Now make a wish!-Clary said. 

-Well...-you closed your eyes and leaned in -i wish happiness for all of us. 
-Good job!-Clary jumped up and down like a kid, while Jace entered the room smiling and hiding something. 
-Well, who's the birthday girl?! 
-Let me guess.....meeeee - you said while pointing at yourself and then laughing,Jace came closer to you and gave you the little box he had and then hugged you. 
-I know this is not an expensive thing, like those diamond jewelry that girls wear but i bought this with love. 

-Ohhh. Jace, don't worry. I don't want anything expensive. I just care about you guys and i want you all to be happy. 


After a couple of "Happy birthdays" from Simon,Jace,Izzy, Clary, Izzy's mom and dad you decided to fix your make up and to wear something comfortable for the day since you didn't have any missions today. 
While you,Izzy and Clary were walking through the big halls, you decided to ask :
-Where is Alec?! I haven't seen him at all for today. 

-I don't know. I haven't seen him either. -Clary answered. 
-He had to do something so he left. -Izzy casually answered. -Now let's go to the training room, everyone's there, he should be there. 

When you arrived to the door of the training room, Izzy closed your eyes. When you entered she told you to open them and everyone screamed "Happy birthdayyyyyyyy Y/N", there was everyone, everyone except him. He was nowhere to be seen. And that made you sad of course, but hey... there was cake. 

Jace invited you to dance with him, Clary and Izzy. While dancing, you kept looking around, searching for Alec, Jace understood that and asked:

-What's wrong?! 

-Nothing, i was just looking for Alec. 
-I haven't seen him all day today. 

-Yeah, me neither. 
-He'll come, i'm sure. 

You just smiled at Jace and started dancing again, this time dancing to the beat and enjoying yourself, you decided that would be better instead of worrying about Alec. You knew that he would come, he probably had a problem or something. 

The day passed, but he wasn't there. Actually even his mother started worrying about him. You were pacing back and forth in her studio, while she was sitting on the chair, her arms crossed and her eyes fixated at the carped in front of her desk. 
-He never been away for this long. At least not without telling me. 
-I am worried. What if something happened to him?! 
-Don't. Don't you dare say something like that. -She said while lifting her finger and getting up. His dad opened the door:

-We didn't find anything. 
-Oh my god. -You sat down and started crying. -Where are you Alec? Where?! -You whispered to yourself and suddenly you felt pain in your chest. You started breathing heavily, his parents noticed that and started running towards you, yelling your name. You felt like you were dreaming even though your eyes were open. 
There was Alec, on the ground, inside a dark building, bleeding and in pain. You wanted to call him but you couldn't, then someone came closer and started hitting him and kicking his body. While Alec winced in pain , you screamed his name but answer. That's when everything kicked in. 

It was an old building, like a mine or something. The person hitting him was Valentine. ...


While you had that small vision, his parents tried to "wake you up" but nothing. Your breath started going normal and you got up. 

- I know were Alec is. -You said while getting out of the room. 
-Where is he?! -His mom yelled while following you. -He's in danger. -You yelled while running, she kept running behind you but failed miserably because of her high heels. You went to the training room, there you got the bows and arrows. 

While going towards the exit door of the building,Jace stopped you. 

-Where are you going?!

-To find Alec, get Izzy, Clary,Simon.....everyone and come help me. 
-But where.?!
-It was like a mine or something, and there was Valentine. 

-Yeah, but where exactly is this mine. 

-I don't know, but i am going to find it. 

You went to Luke's place first, in your backpack you had Alec's shirt and you gave it to him. 
-Help me find him. -He looked at you weirdly but didn't ask any questions and took the shirt. He started sniffing and then he threw it to the other werewolves. He howled and then started running. Everyone was following him, even you were trying to run after him even though he was really fast. 


You entered the old mine, together with Luke and his pack following you. This place had huge hallways and turns, but you didn't stop looking for him. Until you heard a voice calling your name. 

-Did you hear that?-You asked Luke
-No, what are you talking about?! 

"If he didn't hear it, then i am sure that voice is in my head." -you thought to yourself, then again that same voice, but now stronger. You recognized it. It was Alec, he was in much pain. 
"Alec, babe where are you?" "Use our rune, it will help you." 
You did as told and closed your eyes, then you let your sense to direct  you to where he was standing. 

-ALEC!-You ran towards him. But something like a huge dog got in your way and it was almost biting you but Luke jumped on him and killed him in one sec. 
-Well,well,well.... What do we have here?! -Valentine said while coming from the dark. -Two shadowhunters and a full pack of werewolves in my place. Not bad, at all.... 
-It's five shadowhunters, a pack of werewolves and a pack of vampires that's going to kick your ass. -Jace said while coming in the room, together with Clary,Izzy, Raphael,Simon and their pack. 
-Well, i did not sign up for this. -Raphael said while looking at you and raising his had as if he was asking for permission to talk, but yet did so. -But when they told me that i had the chance to kill you-he turned to Valentine.-I accepted. 
-No one asked you so. -Alec said while in pain. 

*Casually skips the fight* 
Alec was laying down on the bed in your room. The nurse gave him some drugs to help him heal and get better, and as he did so you just stood there. Holding his hand, while watching him sleep like an angel. 
-I wanted to surprise you.-He started talking while his eyes were closed. 

-Shhhh...-you whispered while putting your index finger on his lips. -Don't worry about me. 
-No i have to worry. But still i got this for you... -He said while putting his hand on his pocked and giving you a necklace. -Happy birthday babe.
-Oh my god Alec. -You said while tearing up. You leaned in and kissed him. While doing so, you could see some of his wounds healing quicker. 
-What was that?
-What was what?!
-Your wound healed faster then before. 

-It's you. -He said while touching your face.
You just leaned in and kissed him harder this time, making sure not to hurt him....


THE END.... 


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