Elevator-Alec Lightwood

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You and Alec hated each-other, you two always fought and dissed one another. Actually one time, he blamed you for supposedly, braking the glasses. So the clave punished you by ordering you to clean the whole entire building. That got you frustrated and it made you hate him even more. 

You were listening to music and dancing, enjoying your self in your bedroom, far away from all the work, away from Alec. While you were dancing, Alec knocked on your door,but you couldn't hear it because of your loud earphones. He decided to just enter the room, and saw you dancing like crazy. You didn't know he was watching you because your back was facing him, so you kept dancing and dancing. He coughed trying to get your attention, but you still didn't hear anything. 
While dancing you spun around, and saw him, you immediately stopped and took off your earphones. 

-You know...you should've knocked.-You said while putting your phone down the nightstand. 
-I did, honey! But you didn't listen, because you were going wild. -He said in a really disgusting way. 
-Anyways.... What the heck do you want?! -You crossed your arms and pursed your lips. 
-It's not like i missed you or something. The guys sent me here to call you. We have to talk about the next mission. 

-Ohhh, how surprising! -You said while chuckling. 
-What?! -He said while lifting his eyebrow. 

-That you accepted to come here and call me..
-Seriously ?! -He said while rolling his eyes. -Are you coming or not?! 
-Yes, i am coming. -And with that you both left the room. -Where are the guys?! 
-Up stairs. We have to take the elevator. 

He pushed the button and the door opened. You two got in, actually the way to the 4th floor never felt so long. Suddenly the elevator stopped and the lights in there switched. But the door didn't open, you looked at Alec in fear and asked him:
-What's going on?! 

-I have no idea.-He answered while looking up at the lights. -I think the elevator broke. 
-Oh, shit. 

-Hey, watch your mouth. -He spat while looking at you. 

-Oh come on.... I am claustrophobic. 
-Are you serious?! There's nothing bad about being locked up in an elevator.... with no escape.... without electricity.... or water....or food... 
-SHUT UP.-You yelled. You started shaking a bit,but Alec didn't look like he was enjoying the torture. 
He actually came closer and hugged you really tight, you stopped shaking and hugged him back. He kissed your forehead and whispered an "Don't worry! You're with me! ".Suddenly you felt better, you looked up at him and smiled. You kept staring for a really long time,he got a bit uncomfortable. 


-I can't believe this. You comforting me?! Hugging me?! 

-Oh come on. -He said while letting you go and turning around while smiling. 

-Is that a smile i see Mr. Lightwood?! 
He didn't say anything but just turned around and kissed you.... hard. Pushing you to the wall behind you. Your eyes widen at the sudden movement but just kissed him back, harder.  After a couple of minutes you pulled apart, heavy breathing. 
You just looked at his eyes, and kissed him again..... 

Suddenly the elevator started moving and going up. That made you two pull apart again, after the door opened Izzy,Clary,Jace and Simon were smiling while looking at you two. 
-What?!-Alec said. 
-Finally you two accepted that you love each other.-Izzy said. 

-What are you talking about?! -Alec asked. 

-Alec-You said while turning to him-I may.....uhm... probably ,......uhmmm.... you have some lipstick.... 

He just clean it up with his hand and his cheeks turned a light red. 

-Plus...-Izzy started.-That was our plan..-You two just looked at the young girl in confusion. -The elevator. 
-I am going to kill you. -You and Alec said in unison, but that ended up with a laugh, and since then you started dating...... 

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