You tell him you love him-Jace

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You were training hard for the new mission that the clave (a/n i hope i said that right) had given to you. You were going to be the distraction for the werewolves, you were going to try to "seduce" them to find out the secrets that they had. 

You knew that you had to do a lot of training because they were really strong and in case something goes wrong, you should've been prepared. While you were training Jace storms in the room, with a really worried expression on his face. 
-Y/n, you shouldn't do this! Your life will be in danger as soon as you get in their territory. When they found out that you were just kidding with them, they will rip your throat out. -He said in a breath. His eyes focused on the girl in front of him who looked hella' confused. She looked him for a minute then burst into laughter. 

-Jace! Are you serious?! 
-Yes y/n. I am very serious. 
-C'mon. I am not that weak, i will protect myself. -You said while punching the punching-bag in front of you. 
-You shouldn't do that, don't you understand?!
-What are you talking about?! -You said while holding the bag in place. 
-Just..... -He was blocked, he couldn't say anything. He was really scared to tell her, she wouldn't like it,she will probably think that he is crazy. 

-Just what? -You said looking at him angry. -You are jealous?! Aren't you?
-W-what are you talking about? 
-That's why.... you don't want me to "flirt" with those werewolves because you are jealous. 
You probably think that i will fall in love with one of them, or probably you want me for yourself. 

He just looked at the ground, nervous. You slowly, got closer to him, so now you he was towering over you. 
-Are you?! -You said one more time. He just looked at your eyes, opened his mouth to say something but then.... 
He grabbed you head and started kissing you. After a while, that passionate kiss stopped. 
-I love you! -He said while smiling. 
-I love you too! -You said, he just hug you and then he said:

-We need to tell the clave not to do that! 
-Well, i really wanted to go beat some werewolf ass (a/n sorry for that, but i think it was necessary) !-You laughed. -But ok.....

Hello my friends! Did you like this one?! 
Sorry i couldn't post because school is *sigh* exhausting .... 
I don't know who to write for next, what do you suggest me ?! Requests are open for everyone!! 

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