Alec Lightwood-Fight

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You knew Simon and Clary, but you found out quicker than Clary that you were a shadowhunter so one day you just disappeared. They were really worried about you and your health, they tried and tried to found you but they couldn't. 
So when you found out that Clary is a shadowhunter too, you got really excited and you were looking forward to it. 
-Y/n?! What are you doing here?!-Clary said while coming inside with Jace and someone else, that you couldn't see because he was behind Jace. 
-Clary?! OMG. I am so excited that you are a shadowhunter too. Oh my god.-You said while hugging her and smiling. -Who's that guy?! -You pointed towards Jace who moved a little so you could see who was behind him. 
-Simon?! -You said and ran to hug him. He held you tight and couldn't stop smiling. 
-You got us really worried girl!!! 
While you,Simon and Clary were having that little reunion, Alec watched you. He was really jealous and he couldn't stand Simon. After that he just left. 

You and Simon were really close to each other, since you were kids you did everything together. Study, play, even prank Clary. And usually that prank would end up with you two hiding from her. 

So you spent every single minute of the day with him, Alec (aka your boyfriend) was really jealous for you two, and he always thought that there was something more than a friendship between you two. But no... you didn't like Simon the way you liked Alec. You loved him like a brother, nothing else. 

You were sitting in bed, reading one of your favorite books, when the door knocks. 

-Come in-you say, and with that the door opens, Simon gets in with a big smile on his face, he comes closer to you and sits on the bed. -What are you reading?! 
-A harry potter book. 
-You're still y/n! You didn't change at all, i remember you reading those books over and over again. 
You just laughed at the memory, your book fell onto the ground so you were trying to reach it, Simon too. When you got up your face was inches apart, you just looked at his eyes and didn't say anything. 
And in that moment Alec enters the room. 
-Y/n, we have to- He just watched you two, and left the room furious. 
-Alec, wait! -You said while getting up, and running trying to find him , but damn he was fast. 

Of course he would be in the terrace, the only place where he could be calm. He was just looking at the fascinating view in front of him. 

-Alec! -you said while getting closer, and touching his arm. He just turned around, grabbed you hand and took it off. -Wait! 

-What?! -He said with a really serious and loud tone.-What do you want?! You want to tell me that there's nothing between you two?! That was just an accident?! -He yelled, you got a bit scared and started crying. You cried because you were scared of the thought of losing him. 

-Alec just listen-you tried to say in between sobs but he interrupted you. 
-Shut up! I've seen the way you look at him. Your heart eyes, you love him but you are scared to admit it. You know what ?! This is over!!! 

He left, let you there, alone in the dark terrace. 
You couldn't believe what just happened, you boyfriend jealous of your best friend. You didn't love Simon, you loved Alec. More than anything. He was your whole world, after your mom and dad were kidnapped from Valentine, he was your only savior. But now he left.....

Part two anyone?! 

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