Jealous-Alec Lightowood

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-Shadowhunters! Welcome to the clave, this meeting is organized by Mr. Lara. And the main goal is to find new shadowhunters and to train them. -The boy said through the mic, looking around at the shadowhunters in front of him, Alec and Y/N were sitting next to each other, holding hands and laughing at each other. Not paying attention to the man in front of them. 

While the boy presented the shadowhunters and where they were going, Alec and Y/N became serious, because they knew if a new shadowhunter would come it would be great, a new friend, more help and the most important fact, more fun and jokes. 

-Christina Woodley is going to .....Chicago. -Everyone applauded, while the girl  smiled and said something about how proud she was. 
-Okay, so now. We present to you...Nick Waters. He is going to.....New York. 

To be honest, he was hot. Like really hot. You kinda liked him, he looked like a nice guy, so Izzy and you let out a scream and clapped really hard, Alec in the other hand didn't like him at all. He just shot a glare at you and Izzy. 
You just smiled at him and kissed his cheek. 

After that incredible meeting, you all went to the shadowhunter's place to chill and to talk with the new guy, you know... to get to know him better. Izzy was head to toe in love with him, and that made you feel good,seeing Izzy finally choosing a good guy. 
As you all know, Izzy was quite the joker, and always pulled pranks on  you.  That made you furious and hungry for "revenge".

One day, you decided to burst into action, so you carefully tip toed to Izzy's room, to hopefully find her phone and to text Nick. (Pretenting you were Izzy) 
Alec was getting out of his parents' office and sadly he saw you entering her room in a really suspicious way,so he followed you. Trying to be careful, and trying to be quiet, you found her phone. Actually you two had identical phones so people would always mess up whose phone is whose. 

You got the phone, unlocked it and started writing the message. 
"Hey Nick. I wanted to tell you something since you first came here. And i think now it's the right moment, i mean i know i shouldn't say this through a text message but oh well..... 
I think i am in LOVE with you...." 
You smiled and carefully left the phone in the position that was before. And with that, you left the room. 
Alec watched you the whole time, so he got a bit curious to see what you did on the phone. So he got the phone and started reading the message. He thought that the phone was yours, and got really jealous. But he pretended like he didn't read it. 

 Alec and Izzy's mom organized a small meeting for all you guys, so that meant that Clary, Jace, Izzy, Simon, Nick,Alec and you were in the same room. 
You could feel Nick and Izzy flirting the whole time. Everyone was facing the big screen in front of them and sadly Nick was close to you, your arms were touching, and Alec got jealous. First of all because he didn't like the fact that you two were touching and second he remembered the message he read. 

 Nick understood that Alec didn't like the fact that you two had a good friendship and for the fact that you were that close, but he pretended like he didn't notice that and continued talking about the mission. 
After Alec's mom, Jace, Clary,Simon and Izzy left. Alec,Y/N and Nick were left alone, based on Alec's movements and actions you knew that he was jealous about you and Nick, but you had absolutely no feelings about him, you were just trying to pull a prank on Izzy and that's it. 
Nick started asking these questions about you and your previous life, and as a result of that, you two realized that you studied at the same school so you became closer and closer as friends. 

The next day, the clave sent you a letter telling you that your dad's been kidnapped from a new enemy. So you started crying and needed some comfort, Nick was entering the room and realized that you were crying. 

-Y/N?! What's wrong?! -He came closer and closer, and hugged you. You didn't care about anything or anyone so you just hugged him back. When he felt your hands raped around him, he just hugged you tighter and tighter, and he just kissed the top of your head. 

In that moment, Alec entered the room and saw you two in that position. 
-Y/N? What are you guys doing?! -He asked angry, Nick and you turned around to see him. And trust me, his facial expression was not a good one.
-Alec!!!! -You went towards him crying but he didn't do anything, just looked at you.-A new enemy got my dad, and i am so scared, what if something happened to him?! 
He didn't say anything  but just hugged you and kissed your forehead, but his eyes were fixated at Nick, who was looking at you with sad eyes. 


*After a week* 
After you,Alec, Jace, Clary and Izzy found your dad, everything went back to normal, you and Alec still had some problems with Nick, well Alec mostly. 
-Now, we have to talk about something. -Alec said while sitting up and crossing his arms over his chest. Nick was sitting down on the sofa, and due to Alec's height he had to lift his head. 
-What are you talking about?! -He asked confused. 

-You and my girlfriend. That day i saw you two hugging and i saw you kissing her head. 
-So, you're jealous?! ....You should be. 
-I said that you should be jealous. Because i think i love her. 
-LISTEN UP, BASTARD. -Alec said to him, while grabbing his shirt and lifting him up, his feet weren't touching the ground because Alec had to lift him a bit so he could be in the same level as him. -SHE IS MY GIRLFRIEND, AND I AM TELLING TWO THINGS TO YOU 
-Hahahahhaha, are you serious Alec? Even though you are much taller than me, i am stronger. I am going to beat the sh** out of you. 
-I had enough of your sh**. -Alec hit him really hard, and that caused you to come into the room. You were listening to them the whole time, actually you wanted to enter the room and to just rip Nick's throat out, but something stopped you. 
-Alec, stop!-You yelled and ran over to stop Alec. -Please, just stop! I don't love him, i love you. Okay?! 
Please trust me! 
He stopped and looked at you, then he grabbed your face and kissed you. Nick kept watching you two from the ground, his nose a bit bloody. After you two pulled apart, you hugged him tight and whispered to him "I love you" which got an "i love you more" in return. 
After this cute moment ended, you turned your head to see Nick on the ground
-How's the weather down there Nick?! 
-Really funny.-He said while getting up and leaving the room. 


After Alec talked with his parents, they decided to investigate on Nick, and found out that he was the person who did a lot of murders and stuff like that, so he had to be removed from the Shadowhunter's world. 
Alec and you were happier than ever.... 


A/N I wrote this a couple months ago  and i was like "NAHHHHH" about posting it, but after my friend read it she convinced me to post it. It's not really my thing, about the cursing and the violence because i don't like such things, but oh well..... 
It's just a book right?! 
And also leave your comment down below, should i write stuff like these often or not?!! 
Love ya'! 

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