Chapter 21

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Hiro's POV
We ended up going to the swings first, for Wasabi's sake.

"Really? Swings?" Gogo said.

"What? It's calming." Wasabi stated.

"But it just spins in circles!"

After going to the swings which was indeed relaxing, we decided going on a rollercoaster with some hills.

"Let's just start from simple rollercoasters to extreme." I say.

"Yeah! We should do that! We could prepare for the biggest one here!" Y/n yelled.

Wasabi winces. "Quiet down, Y/n."

"It's a theme park! Why would I quiet down?!"

After riding the coaster, we picked up the pictures. During the biggest hill, we all knew that there would be a camera. We all had our own poses and facial expressions. Wasabi was screaming and covering his face and Fred had an arm around him and winked at the camera. Honey was smiling and put a peace sign up while Gogo blew a bubble with a smirk on her face. Y/n kissed me on the cheek and I smiled at the camera with a blush on my face.


"Look at those love birds."

"Gogo looks so unamused!"

"That's because I want to go to the tallest one here! Plus I had a smirk on my face so I wasn't a hundred percent unamused."

"Geez relax, Gogo."

"That was scary!"

"Wasabi just deal with it! You're not going to die on any of these rides!"

After talking about the pictures, we decided to get some food. And after that we went on some more easy rides so we don't throw up.

"Ooh! How about that one?" Y/n pointed at a small compact rollercoaster that was filled with sharp turns and small hills.

(In some places, it's known as Mousetrap. I haven't been in an amusement park in a long time so I'm not so sure...)

"Yeah I guess that looks fine. I'm still full but that doesn't look too bad." I say.

"Hiro, you still look like a stick." Gogo said.

"Was that a comment or a insult?"

"What do you think, genius?"

"Guys lets just go! It's already 2:30!" Fred yelled.

"When does the park close?" Honey asks.

"10:45." Y/n said looking at a sign far from us. 

We decided to split in two groups of three because the cars were so small.

"Ok so it's me, Gogo, and Wasabi. Then it's Hiro, Y/n and Fred!"

We nod and got into our cars.

The result of the coaster wasn't a good one. Everyone felt nauseous and a few of us might throw up any second.

"Well...I was going to be a simple one." Y/n said.

"All of us did." I say trying to cheer her up.

Even Gogo was feeling a bit weak and she never, and I mean NEVER, gets weak from a rollercoaster. ANY rollercoaster. Wasabi threw up in a trash can nearby. And soon I did.

"I should've have eaten so much pizza and gummy bears."

"Told you so!"

"Y/n!" I whined.

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