Chapter 1

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A girl was running to one of her favorite places to eat in San Fransokyo, her h/l h/c hair flying behind her, as her parents try to catch up with her pace.

"Y/n! Slow down! You might run into someone!" Her mother called as she tries to get to her daughter.

The girl kept sprinting as she approached the cafe.

"Hurry up you guys! They're going to close soon! I'm starving and I really want some (favorite pastry) right now!" Y/n yelled.

The three of them finally arrived at the cafe, seeing a young woman, smiling behind the counter.

"Hello Mr. and Mrs. (L/n)! How are you?" The woman asked.

"We're doing fine Cassandra, it's been a while hasn't it?" Y/n's father replied. The woman gave them a small nod.

"Yes it has. Oh, I see you have brought your daughter with you. Y/n, right?"

Y/n nodded.

"Ok, so what would you like today?"

"We will have a cup of coffee, a cup of green tea, a (favorite drink), as well as a (favorite pastry)." Your father said.

"Alright, I'll get those for you. Please take a seat. I will be with you shortly."

And after that, they sat down in a booth by the window.

The parents talked about events that had happened during work earlier that day, while Y/n stared outside the window, completely oblivious to the conversation. She loved the beautiful view of the environment around her, with the pink and yellow hues of the sky and the unique buildings of San Fransokyo.

Their orders were then served and they still continued their actions, taking a sip of their drink every now and then, and Y/n taking bites out of her pastry. Once they were satisfied, the three waved goodbye at the woman, or Cassandra, and headed home.
They started to work, well Y/n's parents started to work, until her mother spoke up.

"Y/n, have you decided what to make for the SFIT showcase coming up soon? We know that you've always wanted to go there and your father and I were just wondering."

Y/n glanced at her but shook her head slowly.

"I haven't thought about it yet. I'll work on it tomorrow. It's getting a bit late so I'm going to head to bed."

"Alright, goodnight sweety."

"Night Mom. Goodnight Dad!"

"Goodnight!" Y/n's father called from his office.

Her parents then continued to work, her mom cleaning the kitchen and her dad doing some paper work in his office and Y/n walked up to her (f/c) colored room. She grabbed her phone along with her headphones and lye down in bed while listening to (favorite song). She shut her eyes, letting the music play as she thought of an invention she could create for the showcase.

I've got to get into this school. If I don't, I'll lose my mind! She thought.

I hope it will be good enough for the judges to accept me.

Short chapter, I think, but I'll try to make the chapters longer. I hope you liked this!

Someone to Hang On To (Big Hero 6 x Reader)  Where stories live. Discover now