Chapter 12

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Is it just me or does anyone think that Gogo's wheels on her ankles are a little... uncomfortable. Her feet are dangling! They're not sitting in a way thats safe for her! Her ankles would probably break or something. Also when she lands, doesn't that hurt?! Anyways, continuing to the story...

Y/n's POV

Hiro and I walked to Fred's backyard to see no one there.

"Huh. I guess they didn't come here." I say.

Suddenly, they all appear through the doors of the mansion.

"Where were you guys? We were looking all over for you!" Wasabi yells.

"We were walking here. Ya know.. Since you ditched us." Hiro says raising a brow. "Whatever. Let's just practice with our upgrades some more."

They all hesitate before they start taking their suits out. When they're ready, Heathecliff comes out, wearing a mask for them to try to get. I look at Hiro to see him holding a white suit.

"Hiro is that your suit?"

He shakes his head and hands it to me.

"This is mine?" He nods, smiling wildly.

"Hiro this looks...AWESOME!" He laughs at my excited reaction. "You didn't put any upgrades in this, did you?"

His eyes widened a bit.

"Was I supposed to?"

I laugh and giving him a peck on the cheek.

"I already have the powers. No need for that."

He blushes and I run to the bathroom to get changed.

My suit looks similar to Gogo's but white and without the wheels. I see that the visor on the helmet can turn clear. Probably to show our identity when needed. There are thin red stripes here and there and I realized that it shows my necklace. I come back to see Hiro and Baymax in their suits.

"Well you two are looking good." I say smiling.

"Not bad yourself." Hiro replies, smirking.

"Not in that way, knucklehead."

"Hey, I'm going to show the gang Baymax. Want to come with?"

I shook my head. "I'm going to practice my powers some more. It will be a good surprise for me later."

He nods before getting the team to show the new upgrades.

I walk to one side of the garden and focus on each of my powers. I find a statue to practice on, because I don't want to hurt Heathecliff by accident, and wrap water around it, freezing it in the process. When satisfied with the result, I use fire to melt the ice away. Might as well practice the fire more. As I keep practicing I wonder if I have more powers. I wouldn't be surprised if I didn't but it's worth the try.

I think of a power that I might need. I might need flying but I'd rather not try. It's going to take a while to get the handle of it. Probably going to cause me to pass out if I do it for too long. How about telepathy? Nah. I don't need to get into people's thoughts. That's creepy. Let's think about defense.

I'll try creating a force field. I take a deep breath and focus on my hands, trying to create a force field. It took a few seconds before a faint tint of purple appeared around me.


I can finally protect those I love. My smile faltered a bit. Only if I knew, I could've protected my parents, maybe Tadashi if I wasn't depressed for so long. I wiped the tears out of my eyes. Don't worry. It's not your fault.

I turn the forcefield off and this time I get another tennis ball shooter, Wasabi slicing the first one in half, and have it shoot at me. I shoot fire at each of them and once it was too much to handle, I form the force field successfully watching the balls bounce of the clear wall. I walk up to the machine and turned it off.

Alright, another defense power...invisibility? This should be easy. Shouldn't take up that much energy. I think of thoughts that make me want to turn invisible.
(You can put in a memory that made you very embarrassed or make you want to disappear if you would like)
I look down at my hands but all I saw was the grass below me. I screamed when I realized that I didn't lose my hands, or feet, but they're invisible. Well that was just embarrassing.

"Y/n? You alright?" I heard Hiro call.

I look to see him with the rest of the gang, although their eyes never met mine. I forgot that I was still invisible. I made an evil smirk and approached them. I walk behind Wasabi and tapped his left shoulder, Fred being to his left.

"What Fred?"

Fred looked up at him, confusion written on his face. "I didn't say anything."

"I felt you tap my shoulder."

"I never did that!"

"Fred, now's not the time to lie."

I then flicked the back of Hiro's head.

"Agh! Gogo! What was that for?!"

"The hell are you talking about Hiro? I didn't do anything!"

"You know exactly what you did."

"Guys please stop fighting it was only a small game." Honey says with unsureness in her voice.

I run over to another side of the garden, out of their sight, making myself reappear again.

"Uh guys. What's the yelling about?" I ask, acting like I never saw anything.

"Fred tapped my shoulder and won't admit it." Wasabi explains.

"That's because I didn't!"

"Gogo here flicked the back of my head and it hurt."

"Well now I want to smack it because you won't believe me!" She yelled at him.

"Honey?" She shrugs.

"I was looking for you so I didn't see anything that happened. We heard you scream so we just went to look for you."

As she stares back at the two pairs I look up at Baymax. He's been silent the whole time. I bring a finger to my lips. He blinks then nods before looking at the fighting pairs. Alright now this is just starting to get annoying.

"So I'm assuming that Hiro had showed you guys Baymax's upgrades?"

They all go silent and turn to me as I walk to them.

"Oh yeah. Well you want to see them?" Hiro asked.

I shook my head.

"I was planning to see it as a surprise, remember Hiro?"

"Right. Well we found where the man in the mask is. He's by himself on Akuma Island."

I hear a snort before hearing "Loner" from Fred. Then we all laughed.

"Alright let's go!" Honey cheered.

They all get on Baymax. I just stare at them, brows furrowed.

"Well are you just going to stand there all day or do you want to catch the guy?" Gogo yells.

I hesitate and go up next to Hiro as Baymax activates his wings and thrusters. The next thing I knew, we were zooming through the air.

Learning more powers! There might be some more but I'm still thinking about it. This is just a short fun chapter I felt like writing. Hope you enjoyed it!

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