Chapter 15

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Y/n's POV
"You guys are handling it pretty well. Especially you Wasabi." I say.

I was flying with everyone linking hands with each other.

"Y-Yeah...I trust you." I gave him a frown.

"You don't trust Hiro?"

"No! I do! It's just the first time I saw him flying it worries me. But when I saw you fly, you handled it instantly."

"That's because she was controlled by Callaghan." Gogo retorts.

I look forward and see that we're still far from the café. I'm going to pass out soon. An idea popped in my head.

"So I'm just going to assume that I can have a certain power if I believe it. Mind if I try something?" I insisted.

I heard a combination of 'No's and 'Yes's.

"Well I'm trying it anyways. If I fly too long, I'll pass out and that'll be bad, wouldn't it?"

I didn't give them a chance to answer and soon we teleported by the garage. Everyone looked shocked at me.

"Impressed much?" I laughed out.

"Yep!" Honey said.

We walk towards the garage to hear Hiro.

"I'm so sorry. I guess I'm not like my brother."

Oh Hiro. I stepped back to let the others go ahead.

"Hiro." Gogo calls. He looks to the gang.

"Guys I...uh. I-I-"

He's interrupted when Gogo gives him an embrace. Woah. Gogo? Making physical reassurance with somebody?! She hugs people?! Ok Y/n calm yourself. Now's not the time to think about that.

"We're going to catch Callaghan and this time, we'll do it right."

She sets her hands on his shoulders. He gives a small grin.

"Hey. But maybe don't leave your team stranded on a spooky island next time."  Wasabi puts out.

Hiro face palms. "Oh man."

"Nah it's cool. We got some help from a good friend of ours." Fred says.

I turn invisible and tiptoe behind Hiro.


They all look at each other with a grin in their face. I give Hiro a hug from the back and heard a small yell from him. I reappear laughing and he laughs along too. My laughing gets interrupted when he kisses me. The gang just stared at us, wide eyed. We break apart and he looks into my eyes.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to do all of that, I hope you know that."

"Of course I know. I was the one who tried to kill you guys too. We're even."

"And I swear I didn't mean anything I said before I left." Oh yeah. In my 'dream' he told them that he could die for all he cared.

"Hiro. Don't worry about it. You were angry and that emotion took over you. It happens." I gave him a reassuring smile.

The gang finally recovers from their shock.

"Uh sorry to break the moment but there's something that you guys need to see." Honey says holding a flash drive in between her fingers.

We put the flash drive on Hiro's computer to see the footage again. Callaghan runs in, being blocked by the others in the lab.

Someone to Hang On To (Big Hero 6 x Reader)  Where stories live. Discover now