Chapter 3

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Y/n's POV
I woke up to my phone ringing next to me. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and looked at the time. It was 1:42am. I then looked at my phone, constantly ringing. I wasn't familiar with the caller ID but I answered anyways.


"Hello, is this Y/n?" A woman responded.

"Yes, who is this?" The woman took a shaky breath.

"I'm a close friend of your parents. I'm so so sorry."

Thoughts clouded my mind. Who is she? Where did she get my number? What happened to my parents? Where are they? Are they dead? What's going on?

"Um excuse me miss but can you please tell me why you're apologizing to me?"

All I heard was sniffles before she finally spoke up. "There's no easier way to say this but... Your...Y-Your parents have passed away."

Hearing those words had made my world shatter. My only family, gone, just like that. But she had to be lying, right? I don't even know her! She could be playing a prank on me but I still can't help but let out a few sobs.

"H-How did they d-die?" I choked out. Some more sniffling.

"Th-They driving their way back to y-your house and they arrived at intersection. When...when the stoplight turned green, s-someone tried and failed b-beating the red light on the left side of the intersection and..." She trailed off. 

"And?" I asked. I know what's going to happen next but I just need to hear it from this woman.

She took a deep breath. "The-The c-car crashed s-straight into your parents car." She stopped talking for a few seconds, sniffles and sobs can be heard every now and then. Hot tears flowed down my face but I made no noise.

"I-I was driving close b-behind them so I saw e-everything. The man who ran into your parents died from the blow. Y-Your father... d-died from the....the blow as well. Y-Your mother was very close to making it, b-but she..she was l-loosing her b-blood fast. Too fast. I went with your mother but by the time we got to the hospital, she had lost too much blood. I'm so so sorry sweetheart."

I froze. I couldn't move, I couldn't say anything, I couldn't think straight. My parents are gone from my life, never to return anytime soon and mom had to suffer in her last few moments.

"Hello? Y/n?"

The next thing I knew, I ended the call, and cried. I cried and weeped and sobbed for hours upon hours, not even trying to stop myself because there's no point. Why live life if there's no one to help me through it? No family to be with. No one to kiss you goodnight and tell you that everything's going to be okay. No one to hang on to, to guide me through the obstacles that will be thrown at me in life.

I held my necklace, the only gift I have left from them. This chain and gem was a gift from my parents when I was young. They told me to never take it off and I haven't ever since. It's what I have left from them.

The next thing I knew, I fell asleep, still gripping my necklace, hoping that I would wake up from this sick nightmare. Mom and Dad running in the room to cheer me up, telling me it's only a dream and it's not real, hugging me tightly to make sure that they're here, no where else.

But they never came.

Two weeks passed and I was stuck in my room. Making myself food once or rarely twice a week. Showering occasionally because my parents wouldn't want me to be like this. I tried and tried to move on but I still end up in my room, staring at the ceiling, rubbing my thumb on the gem of the necklace, hoping for them to come back and tell me that they're fine. Just a surprise business trip...

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