Back to Work

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Deeks POV:

I walked up to the door of the work which from the outside looked like an old condemned abandoned building, but inside it was full of agents and high tech equipment. I started walking down the hallway to the bullpen and I could here the rest of the team talking as I got closer.

"G, there is no way anyone can beat me at a push-up challenge!" Sam Hanna gloated.

"I bet there is someone that could out there somewhere" G Callen stated

"Remember when Deeks challenged Sam and Deeks couldn't even get to100!" laughed Kensi who was sitting at her desk looking at Callen

"Speaking of Deeks!" Callen exclaimed as he got up and walked over to Deeks, "Where have you been man? We started to think you weren't coming back!" I looked at Callen and smiled, "Just needed some time off to chill but I'm back now and ready to work". Callen and Sam, who had gotten up and came over to where I was standing, both gave me a pat on the back as I went to take my seat.

I soon I sat down I heard Eric's signature whistle that let us now we needed to come up Tech and be briefed for a new case. I walked up the stairs and Eric smiled "Welcome back Deeks!". "Thanks Eric good to be back." I smiled back at him as I walked through the sliding doors and took my place behind the table with Kensi looking up at the big screen waiting for the briefing to began.

"Petty Officers Peter Jacob and Hank Rewis were found this morning in the basement of a house that has been on the market for months." Nell said as she started bring up pictures from the crime scene. My stomach flipped and I felt like I was gonna be sick when I looked at the pictures. It was too much for me and I left tech quickly to get away from the pictures and try to block it out of my mind. I couldn't believe what I had just seen.

Kensi POV:

Eric's infamous whistle called us up to Tech to be briefed on a new case. I followed the guys up the stairs last with Deeks a step ahead of me. When we walked in and Nell started the briefing on our new case. When she showed the pictures my eyes immediately flickered to Sam and then Deeks. I saw his face go pale and then he walked out of the room so fast he was almost a blur. I looked back over at Sam whose face showed no emotion but I could see how tense his body was. A few seconds after Deeks left Sam did too without saying a word. I looked at Callen who had the same look of concern on his face that I did, we knew this was going to be a hard case on Sam and Deeks.

Nell, who had gone silent after she put the pictures up on the screen, started to talk again. "The full autopsies came in for the Petty Officers this morning. Petty Officer Peter Jacob was tortured and killed from being beaten and electrocuted and Petty Officer Hank Rewis was tortured and killed from the beatings and drowning from all the blood that was caused from his mouth being drilled" Nell was almost whispering by the time she finished talking with a sad look in her eyes. She knew this is the same way Sam and Deeks were tortured and how they would've died had we not gotten to them in time.

"This is going to be a hard case as it is and we don't need Sam and Deeks going to the crime scene, that could push them over the edge." Callen said worriedly as he looked at me.

"I think that you and I should go to the crime scene without them and then we go back with our partners and talk to the families." I said to Callen, I was worried about them too, especially Deeks.

A/N ~ I wanted the first case back to be something big and so I came up with this. I think I'm pretty sure about who the person that killed them is going to be. If you don't understand what im talking about with some of the plot points it helps to go back and watch the entire series because I'm probably going to use a few characters from the series.


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