Hostages • 1.9

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"Mikey," I say and Michael looks down at me. "Don't call them."

"He has to or your going back up." My dad says. I nod and sit up.

"No Luke. You aren't going to get choked again." Michael says pulling me into his arms. I wrap my arms around him and squeeze him tight.

I feel someone grab the collar of my shirt and yank me back. I smash into the wall and fall to the floor. I lay there, groaning in pain. I look up and see my dad stalking towards Michael. I quickly get up but almost fall. I get my balance and run over to my dad. I jump on his back and wrap my arms around his neck. Michael stands up and runs over to the man he came in with.

My dad smashes me against the wall, but I won't let go. He smashes me against it four more times before I let go. I fall to the floor and lean against the wall. My dad stands over me and grabs me by my neck again. He tries to put me back on the chain but Michael comes over and shoves him. I fall out of his grip and run over to Michael, coughing. He pushes me behind him.

"Josh." Michael says and the man, Josh, pulls out a gun. He points it at my father, who pulls out his own. He points it at Michael and I.

"What's his name?" Josh whispers to me.

"Andrew." I say and Josh nods.

"Okay. Andrew. Put down the gun or I'll shoot." Josh says looking at my father. I look up at Michael and he turns around.

"I'm scared." I say and hug him.

"I'm right here Kitten. Don't worry. He's not gonna hurt you." Michael says calmly. I look behind him and my dad smirks. My eyes widened and I pull out of Michael's grip. The door bust open and Ashton and Calum run in. They grab the gun out of my dad's grip and point it at him. My dad puts his hands up but still has a smirk on his face. He snaps his fingers and two of the men from before come in. I start to shake as they walk over to Michael and I. They grab us and put a knife to our necks. I gulp as they drag us out of the room. They bring us back downstairs and into the bedroom. I start crying and the men let us go. I grab onto Michael and he holds me tight.

"Okay boys. Get Luke on the bed." Arzaylea says. I hold Michael tighter. I feel two men tugging me but I wouldn't let Michael go.

"Let him go! What is wrong with you people?" Michael yells. They finally got me off of Michael and threw me onto the bed. Arzaylea climbed onto of me. She grabbed the handcuffs but I flipped her off. I looked over at Michael. They had chained him to the wall. I was too busy looking at Michael, that I didn't notice one of the men tackle me back onto the bed. They handcuffed me to the bed and straddled me.

"Please not again." I whispered. He just laughs and takes off his pants. He takes off his shirt and then my pants. They cut off my shirt and then pull off my boxers. Two men come over and one sits behind the man on my waist. The other one comes next to me. I yank on the handcuffs. The two men that are on my waist and behind him, thrust into me. I scream and then another man comes over and starts beating me. His fists and a knife. Then it gets worse. The other man comes next to my ear and starts whispering stuff into it.

"Your just a burden."

"Michael and the boys hate you."

"No one cares about you Luke."

"Even your fans, they only like the other boys."

"You're fat."

"You're ugly."

"You are NEVER gonna be good enough."

"Even your parents. One beats you and the other goes along with him." He says. I can't take it anymore.

"I GIVE UP!" I scream. Everyone stops what they are doing.

"We broke him." Arzaylea smirks and the men pull out of me. They untie me and throw me my clothes. I get changed and sit on the bed. They all leave the room, after they unchain Michael. He runs over to me and pulls me into a tight embrace.

"Luke. Baby. You can't give up." He says looking at me. I just stare ahead. He shakes me but I don't move.


Luke just stares ahead, while I'm shaking him.

"Luke? Kitten?" I ask. I shake him gently, but he still doesn't move. I click my fingers in front of his face. Still nothing. I hear light footsteps run down the steps and come into the room. Liz walks in. She runs over to Luke and I.

"What happened?" She asks.

"They broke him..." I say, tears falling down my face. She hugs me and I hear more footsteps bound down the stairs. Liz hides behind a wall and the door is thrown open. Ashton and Calum get thrown in and the door slams shut. They run over to us and Liz steps out behind the wall. Ashton looks over at her and his expression turns angry.

"You! You did this!" Ashton yells at her. I put an arms on Ashton's shoulder.

"Ashton, calm down. What do you mean she did this?" I ask.

"When Luke and her went to talk, Andrew stuck a syringe in his neck and Liz covered his mouth so we couldn't scream. She was a part of this. Andrew told us everything!" Ashton told me. I looked over at her and glared.

"LOOK WHAT YOU DID TO HIM! THEY BROKE HIM!" I screamed and Calum grabbed me, bringing me into his chest. I started bawling.

"Josh. He got out. He is going to get the police." Calum whispered to me.

"He's the Chief." I told him. I hear the front door bust open and footsteps run in. They run upstairs and around the downstairs. Liz runs out and keeps the door open.

"Let's go. He will try to come down here and hurt you guys." Liz says and Andrew comes into the room. He shoves us all to the side and grabs Luke. The police comes in and point their guns at Andrew. He just grabs his gun and points it at Luke's temple. Luke still doesn't do anything. Ashton and Calum grab my hands as we watch on in fear.

1140 words

There you go you wonderful human beings, Chapter 19 of Hostages. I hope you enjoys and remember that I love you guys


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