Hostages • 0.8

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I open my eyes but quickly close them because of the bright light in the room. I open them again and my sight adjusts. I go to rub my eyes but I find out that my arms are tied behind my back. I tug on them but they just rub hard against my skin. They start to make my wrists raw. I had a pounding in my head and then I remembered what happen.


I woke up in the back of a van. No one was in the back with me so I planned to get out. I saw that the door was unlocked. I felt the van slow down so I opened the door and rolled out. I got up and started to run as I heard the van screech to a stop. I ran to the forest that was behind the building we were stopped in front of. I ran as fast as I could when I heard footsteps behind me. I felt something hit my leg and I tripped. Good job Luke. The man who broke into my house grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder. I started to kick and punch him. He just brought me back to the van.

6 men stood in front of it and he threw me into two of the men. They held me by my arms so I couldn't get out of their grip and run away again. Nick walked over to me and smirked.

"I'm Arzel and you are going to have a fun time with us Luke" Arzel said. I struggled in the men's grip but couldn't get out. He smirked again as his eyes sparked with an idea.

"And you won't be needing this" he said and yanked my necklace off my neck. Michael got it for me the day we became friends.

"No! That was a gift from Michael" I yelled as he threw it on the ground. He just bent down and grabbed a rock.

"You won't be seeing Michael anytime soon. Goodnight Luke" He said and slammed the rock down on my head.
It all turned black.

End of Flashback

"Let's go Hemmings" He said and grabbed me.

"Let me go" I yelled at him and thrashed in his grip. He threw me on the ground and brought out a rag. He walked over to me. I screamed and he tied it around my mouth. He slapped me and I whimpered.

"Don't scream or you will get it worse then the slap. Got it" he asked pulling me by the collar to face him. I nodded and he smirked. He picked me up again and brought me out of the room. He brought me into a room that resembled a living room. He sat me down on the couch and took out the rag from my mouth. He walked towards a door. He opened it and the one person who I never thought I'd see again walked through.



"I broke my promise to Luke" I said as I pace through the room with tears running down my face. Ashton and Calum tried to calm me down but it didn't work.

"No you didn't. You almost saved him" Calum said.

"Well almost doesn't cut it now does it. Who knows what Arzel is doing to Luke. Why would Arzel even want to take Luke" I asked. Ashton looked at me.

"You know the person who took Luke" Ashton yelled at me. I sat down and put my head in my hands. I jumped up.

"Yes I know him. But you guys should too" I said. They looked at me as if I was crazy.

"Why would we know him" Calum asked me.

"He's Arzaylea's brother" I said and their mouths dropped.

"What" they yelled. I nodded and the tv turned on. It showed Arzaylea.

"Hello boys" She said.

"What do you want" I asked. She laughed. We stared at her confused.

"Its more like what you want" She says. She pulled something over and Luke appeared next to her. He had a cloth over his mouth and his arms were tied behind his back.

"LUKE" We yelled. He looked at us with fear in his eyes. Arzaylea just laughed and started to run her hands threw his hair. Luke squirmed away from her but she just slapped him. We gasped and she pulled Luke closer to her. Arzaylea got up with the camera and put it on a table. She walks back over to Luke who is sitting on a bed.


Arzaylea walks back over to me and pushes me back down on the bed. She started to kiss my neck. I started to squirm but she held me down. I heard the boys yelling through the computer. She rip off my shirt. My gag fell off and I mentally praised myself.

"BOYS DON'T LOOK! TURN IT OF-" I managed to get out before Arzaylea put the cloth back in my mouth. I hear the computer ding and I saw that the boys turned it off. Thank God.

"That was really bad of you Luke" A pissed Arzaylea said to me. She dragged me off the bed and into the living room. Two men came over and brought me to a different room. It had weapons hung up on the walls. They threw me on the ground and brought out a pair of handcuffs. They untied the ropes that bounded my wrists together. They handcuffed my wrists and brought me over to the middle of the room. There was a hook that came off of the ceiling and they put my handcuffs on it. They took my gag off. My feet hung off the floor by three inches. They started to punch me as if I was a punching bag. Then I felt something metal hit my back. I screamed in pain. I got hit again by it in the side.

One man walked over to men with a devilish smirk on his face. He grabbed the waistband of my pants and yanked them down. My eyes widened and I started to kick him away. I felt someone grab my ankles and keep the down. I felt my boxers being pulled down. Tears started to roll down my face. They laughed and left.

The door opened again and Arzaylea came in. She had a large box with her. She set the box down on a table and walked over to me. She smirked and started to suck on my neck. She then started to kiss down my bare body. She walked back over to the box and opened it. She first brought out a paddle. My eyes widened and I tugged on the handcuff but they just cut into my skin. She walked over to me and ran the paddle over my stomach. In a quick motion, she slapped it against my stomach. I screamed in pain again. She just laughed and went back to the box. She brought out a gag. She wrapped it around my mouth. She slapped me in the back with the paddle again. Right were the man hit me with the bat.

I saw her go back to the box and grab something black out of it. It was a blindfold. I started to thrash around again but it was no use. She slipped it over my eyes. I started to shake. I was naked and vulnerable. I felt something go down my chest. It wasn't the paddle but as soon as she slapped me with it, I knew what it was. She hit me with the whip again on my legs. I yelled through the gag. I heard her heels clack against the floor. I heard her rustle through the box until she found when she wanted. She walked back over and I felt her behind me. I felt something get thrusted into me. I yelled in pain. I heard her switch something on and a vibration went through my lower region. I squirm in discomfort. I felt the gag being taken off and the blindfold got removed. Arzaylea walking into the front of me and I stared at her. She pulled up my boxers and pants. I yelled in pain as the vibrator got pushed further in. I look over as the door opened. Two men came over and took me off the hook. I fell to the floor and they dragged me up. They brought me over to a door and opened it. They threw me down the stairs and I looked up at them. Arzaylea stood in the doorway.

"If you take that out, than your punishment will be worse than I did. Got it?" She said. I nodded and she smirked. They shut the door and I was left alone in the dark abyss.


1500 words📚

There you go you wonderful human beings, Chapter 2 of Hostage. I hope you enjoys and remember that I love you guys💘


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