Hostages • 1.8

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I ran into the police station and up to the desk.

"You-you gotta help. My boyfriend is gone. I think people who had taken him before has him again." I said panicking. The lady at the desk came around the desk and put an arm around my shoulder.

"Okay honey. Calm down. I'm gonna get Chief McDonald and you have to tell him everything, okay?" She asked me. I nodded and she led me through some doors. She put me in a room and I waited for the Chief.

The door opened about 5 minutes later to reveal a tall, tan man with bright hazel eyes and blond hair. He was about 21. He was very handsome, but Luke was much more cuter. He comes over and sits down across from me.

"Hello, I'm Chief McDonald but you can call me Josh." He says shaking my hand. (picture of Josh in the media) I shake his hand and then start fiddling with my fingers.

"Aren't you a little young to be Chief?" I asked him and he chuckled.

"I get asked that all the time and yes, but I was training since I was 4." He told me and I nodded.

"Okay so what happened? Maria told me that your boyfriend was taken by people who had taken him before." He asked me. I nodded.

"Arzaylea and Arzel Rodriguez kidnapped him about a year ago. Arzaylea was Luke's beard. She actually fell in love with him, but he had no feelings for her and he told management that he didn't want a beard anymore. So they fired Arzaylea, but she kept coming back.

"One night, Luke, the boys, and I went swimming. I went inside to get towels when an envelope slid under the front door. I opened the envelope and there was pictures of the boys and I. They told me to leave the boys and band. I got all my stuff and pretended to leave. Then Arzel came in and kidnapped Luke after a fight from me. I don't know everything that happened there but Luke still has nightmares about it. Then a couple of nights ago, we went on stage to play a concert. A girl ran on stage and smashed Luke's guitar on his head. He collapsed and passed out.

"Later on, he woke up and we talked. Then Arzaylea, Arzel, and a couple of men who work for them, can bursting into the tour bus. They grabbed Luke and held him at gunpoint. Arzaylea hit Luke with the gun and he passed out again. Then security came in and grabbed all of the men, including Arzaylea and Arzel. Luke woke up a little bit after and told us that wasn't Arzaylea. We decided to watch a movie and play truth or dare. Calum told Luke to go into the bathroom while he thinks of a dare. Luke went in and after a few minutes, we got a dare. We yelled for Luke to come out but he never did. We went to the door and banged on it but he didn't respond. I knocked down the door and then I knew why Luke wasn't moving or talking. There were pictures hung up around the room of him. But they were taken in like the shower or in his room. Then written on the mirror was a note from Arzaylea saying she was going to get Luke back.

"We went to a gas station for a pitstop but Luke wanted to stay inside the bus because he was tired. So I let him stay in there while the boys and I went to get some food. I was picking up some crisps when I smelt fire. I looked out the window and saw our tour bus on fire. I ran out and tried to go inside the bus because Luke was still inside, screaming for me. Then the tour bus blew up. Luke was stuck under a piece of the bus and I pulled him out. Arzel lit the bus on fire and was aiming a gun at us. We ran inside the gas station and hid behind the counter. We got out of there safe because Luke knocked out Arzel. We ran over to the Bed and Breakfast across the street. We called the police and ran out the back door to hide. We ran into Arzel but he didn't hurt us and he walked away. Then I turned around and Luke was missing. After half an hour of searching for him, I finally found him walking down the hallway, shaking and crying. Arzaylea raped him. We went to my home and his mom was there. He hasn't seen her for 2 years. They went outside to talk and we never saw either of them again." I cried after telling him everything that happened. He put his hand over mine and looked at me.

"I'm sorry for everything that had happened. Did anyone besides Arzaylea and Arzel hurt him?" Josh asked me. My eyes lit up in fear.

"His dad!"


"Please stop." I begged as another man thrusted into me. Another man just shoved a cloth into my mouth. I was strapped to a table with my legs and ankles tied to each leg.

"Boys, I think little Lukey here has been bad." One man said and they all nodded. Another man came over and pulled down him pants. He thrusted into me again and I screamed. Two strange men where inside of me. I was bawling. One man came over with a whip. My eyes widened as he raised it. He slammed it against my stomach and I screamed again. He kept whipping me. He finally stopped and the men pulled out when there was a specific knock on the door. They all smirked and yelled come in. Arzaylea and Arzel walked in. I started to yank on the ropes. Arzaylea walked over and smirked at my stomach. She ran her fingers over the whip marks.

"Was he being bad?" She asked, looking at the men. They nodded and she walked over to a table. She grabbed something off of it and walked back over to me. She held it out in front of her and my heart dropped. It was a knife. She climbed on top of me and pressed the knife to my chest. In a quick motion, she swiped the knife down. I yelled but it was muffled by the cloth. She cut my forehead and my cheek. She was about to cut my other cheek, when the doorbell rang. Everyone stopped what there were doing. I heard banging on the front door. I get the cloth out of my mouth with a lot of struggle, but it comes out.

"HELP!" I screamed as loud as I could. Arzaylea shoved the cloth back in and covered my mouth with her hand.

"LUKE?" I hear Michael yell. I smile but when I hear loud footsteps come to the door. The door burst open and my dad comes in. He gets Arzaylea off and unties me. He then yanks me up and drags me upstairs. He goes into a guest room and throws me in. I hear Michael bang on the door again. My dad mumbles under his breath and grabs my neck. He slams me to the wall and hits a button. A metal chain wraps around my neck and locks. I'm hung off the ground and start choking. I gasp and start pulling the chain but nothing happens. My dad walks over to me and looks me straight in the eyes.

"I'll be back up, but this time with your boyfriend." He says and walks out. I start banging against the wall and yanking on the chain. I hear the front door open and a yell. I hear three pairs of footsteps come up the stairs. I wince as the door slams open and my dad comes in dragging Michael with a knife to his neck. A man comes in with them. I look at Michael and he turns his head to me. He gasps and I could tell he wanted to come over to help me, but he couldn't with the knife.

"Close the door and sit on the bed." My dad says and the man closes it. He sits down on the bed and my dad throws Michael next to him.

"Okay Michael. Call the other boys and tell them to come here." My dad says.

"No way am I doing that!" Michael yells. My dad just smirks and presses a button. I feel the chain start to tighten and I can't breathe.

"Stop let him go!" Michael yells, jumping up. My dad presses the button and the chain gets even tighter.

"Stop!" Michael yells.

"Call the boys."


"Do it or I'll press the button again."

"M-Michael," I stutter out, "Don't call them." My eyes start to shut since I'm not getting any oxygen.

"Okay! I'll call the boys!" Michael yells. My dad smirks and presses a different button. I feel myself fall to the floor and start breathing heavily. I hear footsteps run over and someone flip me over. I open my eyes to see Michael. He brushes some of the hair off of my forehead.

"Okay. Call the boys now."

1583 words

There you go you wonderful human beings, Chapter 18 of Hostages. I hope you enjoys and remember that I love you guys


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