Hostages • 1.2

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i'm back from death!


1 Year later

"MICHAEL" I scream. We are sitting in the tour bus playing Mario Kart and he just passed me. He is about to cross the finish line but I hit him with a shell and beat him.

"HELL YEAH" I scream and start to dance. I hear Michael laugh and then I'm on the ground. I look up to see Michael pinning me down.

"Think your cool because you beat me, huh? Well lets see how the tickle monster likes it" He taunts and starts to tickle my sides. I burst out laughing and start to try to push his hands away but he keeps a firm grip.

"M-Mikey s-s-stop p-please" I say gasping. He finally stops and I start to pout. I get up and walk away from him.

"No" he says and pulls me back into his arms. I smile and look up at him. He looks down and smiles as well. I heard the door bust open and Ashton run in with Calum trailing him.

"Guys, this is really bad" Ashton says holding his phone to me.

"What?" I say and take the phone from his hands. It says he has a text, nothing wrong with that, but when I read it, I drop the phone.

Tell Lukey that he is going to be seeing me real soon.

Michael grabs the phone and reads the text. I hear Michael mumble an 'oh god' and put the phone down. I feel his arms tighten around me.

"Luke. Listen to me," he turns my head so I'm looking at him, "No one is going go hurt you, okay? We are going to protect you. We won't let Arzaylea or Arzel take you again." I nod but can't help to worry. What if Arzaylea takes me again? I feel someone sit next to me and turn to see Calum.

"Luke, no one is going to take you from us." He says and Ashton nods. He sits on the other side of me and rubs my arm. I lean back into Michael and start to play with my fingers. I feel Michael kiss my head and he starts to trace patterns on my sides.

"I'm gonna go lay down in my bunk." I say and get up. I walk to my bunk and climb up into it. I lay down and close the curtains. I face the other way and after some tossing and turning, I fall asleep.


"We can't let Arzaylea and Arzel get Luke again." I say pacing. Ashton comes over to me and puts his hands on my shoulders.

"Maybe she's bluffing. Everything is going to be fi-" Ashton gets cut off by all of our phones buzzing. We look down at our phones.

Hush little Lukey don't say a word
Momma's gonna be there soon

I hear Luke start yelling and his bed moving. We run over to the bunks and to his. I pull open the curtain and he still sleeping. He is freaking out though.

"He's having a nightmare" Calum said and I hopped into the bunk. I start shaking Luke.

"Luke. Wake up" I said. His eyes shoot open and he grabs onto me. He starts crying and shaking. I hold onto him and start rubbing his hair.

"Your okay, bud. I'm here." I say kissing the top of his head. Ashton and Calum walk away knowing I'm gonna have to talk to him. I sit up and grab Luke's head delicately with both of my hands.

"Luke baby. What happened?" I say wiping his tears. He starts to breathe heavily.

"Luke breathe. Can you tell me what happened in your dream?" I asked. He starts to follow my breathing patterns and calms down.

"It w-wasn't a d-dream. It h-happened. A-Arzaylea was t-touching me in p-places. I-I told her to s-stop b-but she k-kept going. S-she finally stopped w-when A-Arzel told her to g-get o-off." He said bursting into tears again.

"Did she rape you, Lukey?" I said tears building up. If she did, I'll kill her.

"No, but she was close to." Luke said and I pulled him into my embrace.

"I'm sorry we took so long to find you, Princess." I said.

"It's not your fault." He said. I nod and pull him closer. I decided not to tell him about the text message. It would only make this worse.

"Hey Michael! Did you tell Luke about the text yet?" Calum said walking to the bunk. I shut my eyes. God dammit Calum.

"What text?" Luke said looking at me. I opened my eyes and kissed his forehead.

"Nothing Luke." I said. He sat up and looked me in the eyes.

"Tell me now, Mike." Luke demanded. I nodded and hopped out of the bunk. I helped Luke down and we walked to the back room where Ashton was sat.

"Now tell me." Luke said and I sighed.

"Arzaylea texted all of us." I said.

"What did she say?"

"That she is gonna be here soon."

"What does soon mean?" Luke asked. I shrugged and held him close. I looked into his eyes.

"She won't hurt you, okay?" I said and he nodded but looked unsure. The tour bus door opened and our manager came in.

"Okay boys, concert starts in 10 minutes. Ready?" He asked. We all nodded. I looked around at the boys when our manager left.

"Maybe the show will get our minds off things and we are gonna play a rocking show tonight! Am I right boys?" I yelled.

"Tonight is gonna be a great show!" Ashton yelled and the boys and I screamed. We all ran off of the bus and into the stadium.

If only the boys knew that it wasn't going to be a great show.

1046 words

Sorry I haven't been updating. I had a writers block but now I'm back and for me starting updating again, I'm gonna be updating either twice or three times again today!  There you go you wonderful human beings, Chapter 12 of Hostages. I hope you enjoys and remember that I love you guys


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