Moving day.

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♧ Alex's Point of View ♧

Wow! I cannot believe it has been a year! So much has happened! Everyone passed their tests, i met this amazing guy! Lilly met an amazing guy too we both met the most amazing friends we will ever have.
I had the last test, physics. So i would be moving out last. Which is sad because i will be watching everybody leave. And who knows when or if i will see these people again, people grow apart quite easily.

"Knock knock!"
"Who's there?" I shouted even though i knew who it was.
"Just a guy with lots of boxes."
"Come in guy with lots of boxes"
Sam then walked in to me in my room and kissed me on the cheek.
"Hi." I said not being able to deny the smile across my face.
"Hi." He said smiling back.
"So how did your tests go?"
"I have no idea!"
"Well thats helpful."
"Im counting on it."
"So why are you here, not that im complaining."
"You better not be."
I just smiled as i was out of conversation.
"I just thought i am all packed up and ready to go so i thought i would drop by to talk to you." He said sounding serious.
"Ok what do you want to talk about?" I said with my legs crossed on my bed.
He sat down beside me, looked up and said.
"A huge company in England has reached out to me to help me through the rest of next year."
"Oh my god Sam thats amazing congratulations!" I said rapping my arms around him knowing exactly what he was going to say next.
"The thing is, Alex, they want me to move there."
There was a moment of silence.
"Well do not think for a moment that i am going to hold you back from this amazing oppertunity. If you do i will hop out of your suitcase just to slap you."
He just laughed and looked down at his feet.
"I love you." He said after laughing.
"I love you too."
He held my hand and shuffled closer to me putting his other arm around me.
"What does this mean for us?" I asked because i was scared to hear the answer.
"I don't know." He said continuing to caress my hand.
"Well if your not going to say it i will, how long are you going to be there for?"
"I am not sure. It depends if they want to keep me or not, or if another company finds me."
"Well we can try long distance but..."
I trailed off not wanting to finish that sentance. This boy was the first guy i have ever loved. Not a silly crush. Love.
I was not going to go unnoticed in his life in years to come.
I kissed him and we kept kissing for a while before we both were lying down on my bed. My mind knew where this was going and i did not care.

This was probobly the last day i will see him for a long time. I want to remember it.

When it was late and it was tims for him to go. Every voice in my head was telling me to ask him to stay. But i knew he had to go. Besides of i did, i would be the girl who didn't let him follow his dreams. What kind of a girlfriend would i be then.
"Its getting late." He interrupted my train of thought.
"Yeah, i know."
"I should go."
"Thanks for helping me pack."
"Thanks for standing by me."
He kissed me one last time before saying goodbye and thar was it.
He was gone.

This is the last chapter in the book. If you want to find out what happens to Alex in her second year, read my new book 'colours'. This book will be completly through Alex's eyes. Hope you enjoyed untitled story! Thanks for reading it.

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