Girl Time

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"Seriously!" Alex said dragging Mavis into the the other room and sitting her on the sofa,"what the freaking hell happened last night!" " You don't remember?" Replied Mavis,"Well...."

She continued to tell us that Brooke had left with Jackson a few minutes ago, without any explination and she hadn't heard anything from her since,

Alex and Sam had continued to flirt with each other and Lilly and Matt had a full on makeout session before Lilly practically fell asleep in his arms at about 1am, and Matt had to put her to bed. Ruby just about crawled in to hear that she had drank way to much abd spent the entire time laughing her ass off.
" Omg" said Ruby "last night must have been fun!". "Wait," said Alex," where is brooke? You said she left."
The only logical plan they had was to go Jackson's house and see if he knew where she was. When they arrived they rapped on the door. There was a fumbling with keys and Brooke opened the door in a top that was obviously not hers.
"Brooke!!! OMG!" Lilly cried. Brooke tried to slam the door but Mavis caught it with her foot and shoved it open. "Brooke what the hell happened to you and why are you in one of Jackson's tops!!!" Brooke began to blush. Then a look of awe came over Alex's face. "Wait.... did you..." brooke smiled and nodded " Nice going girl!!!" Alex high fived Brooke. " I don't want to go into details," said Brooke, who's face was still bright red, " but it was probably the best night of my life!". "Well," said Lilly, "what happened last night? Spill!"

To be continued...

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