Psycology class

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♤ Mavis' POV ♤

I checked Neko Atsume while I waited in my psychology classroom for the teacher.
I sat in the front row, beside the window. Light streamed in through the dirty glass, exposing dust particles floating through the air.
A shadow fell over my desk as someone sat down the seat beside me. I kept quiet, let them talk to me first.
"U-uh... Hi." I turned around and glanced at the person sat beside me.
"Oh... Hi." I'm not good at conversation.
"My names Taylor!" She tried a happier approach. I took her appearance in, very light blonde hair cut like a boys, the sides shaved lightly and died baby pink. Amber eyes flecked with gold full of nervous excitement... Like a puppy's... Her skin was smooth and pale, a beauty mark on the bone of the left side of her jaw.
I felt my lips crack as I grinned at her.
"Hi Taylor, I'm Mavis!"
"I was wondering if I could sit here? If you don't mind?" She grinned back, showing a row of straight white teeth.
"Not at all! Be my guest."
Just then Dr.Flavverbrook walked in for class.

To be continued...

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