The Poetry Reading

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♡ Ruby's Point of View ♡

I just walked into the coffee house shaking off my went coat from the rain. There was a bunch of people crowded around this one person reading one of his poems. It looked so intimate and personal. I am better getting a coffee and just sitting near the back.
I got my large cup of black coffee and downed most of it within minutes. The seats were filling up fast and then this guy came up to me and said
"Hey i couldn't help but notice you from over there, your just so beautiful."
"Thank you but flattering won't get you anywhere." And i winked at him playfully.
"I know this is very forward but do mind me sitting with you to chat?"
"Like a date?"
"Alright, speed dating it is. First things first what is your name?"
"Oh i am Lucas and you are?"
"Ruby." He held out his hand gesturing to shake it, as i did so i got this wonderful feeling of trust.
Lucas was tall and skinny with black hair but dyed blue at the tips, and green eyes. He had pale skin and was a bit of a nerd too. Just my type.
"So what do you think of this guy?" I asked.
"Eh, i have heard better but he isn't bad. What do you think?"
"I couldn't agree more."

We kept talking more until the end of the poetry reading which lasted for hours and he asked for my number just as i was about to step back out into the rain. As i gave it to him he took off his jacket and handed it to me. I just looked at him and said
"Thank you but how will i get it back to you?"
As i finished he stroked my face gentally while looking at me. Then he leaned in closer, and i leaned in a little more and that was it. Our lips had crashed into a kiss. It was breathtaking how much i felt i knew him and yet we had only met, but i have never felt this way about a guy ever, not even when i knew them for years. As he pulled away he stared deep into my eyes and said,
"You don't want to miss your train home."
"Yeah i should go but i will see you again."
"Great, can't wait."
Then i stepped out into the pouring rain holding his jacket above my head like an umbrella and i ran out into the rain and when i reached the end of the steet, i looked back, he had already gone the other way.

To be continued...

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