The Piano Lesson

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♧ Alex's Point Of View ♧

I walked into a dim hallway and knocked on Sam's door. He has a piano in his flat so i was going there for lessons and i was so excited. I knocked on the door again and he shouted through it,
"Who is it?"
"Alex who?"
"Alex is going to kick your ass in a moment."
Just then he opened the door and smiled with his glasses raising. It was adorable when he did that.
"Come in and just sit at the piano over there."
I went over and sat at the dusty piano with the chipped keys.
"It's very rustic. It's cool i like it!"
"Thanks! It was my first piano."
"Awk thats so cute!"
"Is it?"
"Uh yeah! To think a tiny 9 year old you was once playing on this piano!"
"Yeah i suppose." He blushed looking bashful
"So... Teach me!" I said egerly!
"All right do you know anything on the piano?"
"A little, i learnt small songs here and there."
"Can you play them for me?"
"Yeah why not."
I played one of the old pieces i learnt online.
"That wasn't half bad! I would say start at grade 2."
"Oooh thats not as bad as i thought would happen."

He began to show me the different chords and notes to play for one of the pieces but i just got lost in his eyes. I think he caught me staring! Abort abort!!!
"So like this." And he played a slowed down version of the tune.
I tried to play it back to him.
"So close, play it with me." He said with giggles in between
We played together and i was picking it up quicker than i thought i would.
Suddenly our hands touched.
I didn't know what to do with myself. He was giving me that same puppy look he gave me a few nights ago. Before my mind could catch up to what was going on he leaned in, this time i did not pull away. Sam pressed his lips against mine. His soft touch made it possible to keep going, but me being me always leave them wanted more, i pulled away and just looked at him enchanted. I didn't want this thought to enter my head but i think i was starting to fall for him.

To be continued...

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