The First Day - part 1

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All of the girls where stressing out about preparing for their first day. Ruby was studying English and was trying to read a book assigned to the class but found it hard with Lilly's screeches of pain from waxing her legs. Ruby had had enough and stormed into Lilly and Alex's room.

"Oh my god I have had enough of this! I have half a book to read in 2 hours so shut up until then!"

"Sorry to disturb you but we also have to leave in 2 hours and if we don't make a good impression on the first day then we won't be respected." Alex lectured Ruby. Ruby stormed out of the room and slammed the door behind her, surprisingly it didn't fall off its hinges. Meanwhile Brook was still sleeping because her ancient history course didn't start until noon.

"This is it!" Lilly said to Alex and Ruby as they were walking to the hall together.
"What class do you have first?"
"I have Maths and straight after is Physics!" Alex responded.
"I have English then I'm going to a poetry reading at the brew." Ruby said smugly
"I just have biology then chemistry and after I will meet you guys back at the house?" Lilly asked.
"Not me I have an audition for a parade so I won't be home till later." Alex told them.As they were walking Ruby stopped and said "Well this is me. Good luck!" And she waved before opening the door.
"Good luck!" Lilly and Alex said in unison.
"I better go too." Alex said before she ran towards the maths corridor.
"Good luck!"
"You too!" Lilly said as they hugged before turning and going towards the direction her class was in.

As Lilly stepped into the lab she sees the professor sitting at his desk with a white lab coat on, and he says,
"There is a few more coats over on that hanger."
Lilly looked over and the rest of the class had white lab coats on, so she went over and grabbed herself a clean coat and walked over and sat in the back row.
"Right I think that is everyone, Hello and Welcome to the Queens Biology Lab! My name is Mr Worde and here are a few of the lab rules."

As the professor kept going on about the rules Lilly was zoning out until she overheard him saw the word 'group project'.
"So you need 3 people in your group and the project is on blood types, go now and get into your groups"
All of a sudden people joined into a group of 3 and an uproar of voices started to discuss who was in what group.
"Hi my name is Jolan and this is Matt."
"Hi I'm Lilly."
"Great so we need to meet up some time, how does the coffee house at 3 sound?" Matt put forward.
"I can be there but I will be there late. I have a class that ends at 3 so by the time i get there..." Jolan trailed off.
"Lilly can you come?" Matt asked?
"Great so see you all then."

To be continued...

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