The Parade Audition

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♧ Alex's Point Of View ♧

I just made it in time before the lights went dim in the theater and i was sitting near the back second from the edge. There was all in all about 20 people there including the judges.
"Can i have your attention please? Thank you all for coming to the african drums auditions, when your name is called, make your way to the stage with your drum and start when your ready." One of the bald headed judges said.
since my last name was smith it wouldn't be my turn for a little while.
All of a sudden this guy comes through the door and sneaks down the stairs and sits right beside me. I mean dude? Come on? So i said to him,
"Dude there are like 50 seats scatered around the whole room why sit right beside me?"
"It isn't your seat so why do you care?"
"No reason."
We just waited in silence after that until his name was called
"Next is Sam Kingston playing Zouli."
What a strange name. I wonder if he is any good. I couldn't see his face very well in the dark but now it was in the spotlight. He has brown hair and blue eyes, but he was wearing glasses. He wasn't all that bad. I mean his slaps on the drum could be better.
"Zouli hey zouli zouli!" He kept shouting. It was very funny to watch his face light up when he shouted.
"Thank you." He said before leaving the stage.
When he walked back up he sat beside me and sighed.
"So Sammantha? That was good." I said to break the silence.
"Ha..ha lets just wait until they call your name up."
"Who says im auditioning. I could be the judge for all you know."

"Next is Alex Smith playing Jabera."
And when i went to move he stoped me,
"Judges don't leave." He said sarcastically.
I just looked at him and took my drum to the stage.
The stage was so big and black this huge white light was center stage right on the seat where you sat on. I tapped my foot 4 times then began with the break and halfway through i put in some paradidledidles and i ended with the drink. It couldn't have been more perfect. I took a bow and thanked the judges and went back to my seat.
"So Alex, isn't that a boys name?"
"Not always, but isn't sammantha a girls name?"
"It's sam, and not always."
"So did you like it sam?"
"It was alright i guess..."
I slapped him playfully and he just looked at me.

It was coming to the end of the auditions and i was nearly drifting off when Sam said
"Better not sleep on my shoulder."
"Why would I? I don't even know you, and you don't know me." I asked him with confusen.
"Ok good then good luck."
"You too i guess."

"If your name is called please come to the stage at the end." the judges announce a load of names and the 7th just happens to be Sam. He turns to look at me and rubs his eyes to immatate a baby crying.
The 9th name to be called was my name and i just blew him a sarcastic kiss and waved.
The lights turned on and we all went to the stage.
"Alright people i need you here every week day from 6-7 if you can't do that then leave now but in the meantime get to know one another, buddy up so you can contact somebody you know."
Since Sam was standing beside me he turned and looked at me and said.

"Alright buddy."
"At least by me a drink first." I replied joking
"How does 8am at the coffee house, tomorrow sound?"
"Perfect see you then." Guess he took it seriously, huh.

To be continued...

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