Back to Basics

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♢ Lilly's Point Of View ♢

I whiped out all of the equipment and ingredients and set everything up. I suddenedly heard a knock at the door. Omg he is here! He is early! I only just turned on the oven! I walked over and opened the door.
It was Matt! Holding a bunch of flowers how sweet!
"These are for you."
"Oh i am touched! I am going to put these in water, come in sit down make your self comfortable."
I put the vase of flowers on the coffee table and handed him an apron. He looked up at me and reluctantly put it on.
"Right so today we go back to basics and learn how to make cupcakes!" I announced to him.
"Sounds great!"
I handed him a mixing bowl and the ingredients. As I instructed him along the way he paused when adding the flour. Matt swipped a bit of the flour on to his pointer finger and stroked it on my nose.
I giggled at the thought of what i looked like and before i knew it, the wave of attraction got stronger and stronger like someone had tied us up and was pushing us together. He gazed into my eyes and i took a leap of faith and went in for a kiss. He didn't pull away. Insteed it got deeper. He picked me up and set me on the kitchen counter not breaking the kiss once.
Then Alex walks in and spoiled the moment.

To be continued...

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