Happy Halloween!

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♧ Alex's Point Of View ♧

It was finally halloween and i was super excited to be better and ready to party! Everyone would be arriving soon as the big halloween party was going to be at our apartmant!

"I'm ready!" Ruby Exclaimed!
"Me too!" Lilly added.
"Me three, nearly!" I said while finishing off the final touches.
"Give me another minute!" Brook shouted from her room.

We all walked into the living room and gasped at the sight of each other.

"What are you supposed to be?" Lilly asked Ruby.
"Nothing, i am lazy so i just stuck on a onesie!" She replied.
"So you're obviously Cleopatra! Its hot, i love it!" I said to Lilly.
"And you're obviously Pocahontas! You sexy beast!" She replied winking with her right eye.

"What do you think?" Brook said while walking in.
"Its black." I said
"Its awesome!" Lilly said
"You witch!" Ruby said.
Brook was a black witch, Lilly was Cleopatra, Ruby was a bed head and i was Pocahontas. I can't wait to see the boys!

Just then mavis waltzes in and says "ta da!" With cheesy jazz hands!
She was dressed up as a cat, it was really cute!

*knock knock*
"Come in!" We shouted.
"Hey!" It was Lucas.
Ruby immediatly smiled and ran over to him.
"Hey, sexy docter. Am i late for a check up?"
"Very." He said while squeezing her butt.
Eww but anyway thats how she rolls!
Not too long after a girl knocked the door,
"Hey i am taylor!" She said while Mavis walked over to her.
"Yeah she is my plus one guys!"
"K thats cool welcome Taylor just sit and enjoy yourself!" I said to make her feel welcome.

I turned on the music turned off the lights and everything i had painted in neon was glowing in the dark and so was i. Everyone awwed and ooooed and i just said "surpise!"
"Its open!" Lilly shouted!
"Sup guys." Jackson said making a B line for Brook and we just ignored us. So cute. He obviously likes her!

*knock knock knock*
"Yeah?" Shouted Lilly
"I made it!" Matt said while walking through the door.

Again she and him went off to their own little convosation while i sat there waiting for Sam to show up. He then texted me saying to come outside. And i was intriged so i slipped out to go meet him.
I mean its not like anybody would notice everybody is too busy sticking eachothers tounges down their thoats. But i wanted the romance.
I glared down the street to see Sam leaning on his car. It was pitch black so i could just make his face out.
He waved in a gesture for me to come over to him. I did so and when i was just in reach of him he stood up straight and grabbed me into his arms. I giggled at this but i was very confused.
"Who are you supposed to be?"
"I am Noah Calhoun from the notebook."
"That explains why you are soaking wet!"

He smiled while lifting me onto his waist. You could feel our heats beating together like the drum beats we learnt in the parade. We just sat there still leaning on his car, nose to nose staring into the depths of my mind.
He gently kissed me on the nose and we walked back to the party a few minutes after. And as i predicted nobody noticed i had gone. They were all in the same spots. Except Ruby and Lucas had, other, rooms to explore...

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