Drunken Mistakes

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Mavis and Ruby end up in bed together and they can't fingure out how they got there or if anything happened. They both just woke up with a killer of a headache to find they weren't alone in bed. Mavis woke up first and screamed when she saw the other girl in the bed beside her. This of course was what awoke Ruby.

"What the hell are you doing in my bed?!" Mavis screamed.

"Your bed? What are you doing in my bed?" That was when Mavis looked around her, this was not her room. She looked down to see she was wearing just a shirt and her underwear but Ruby was fully clothed.

"Okay, what happened last night?" Ruby asked.

"I have no idea. Let's get up and try and find the others."

The girls got up and went to look for their friends only to find they were all as oblivious as they were. They found Brook in the living room on the sofa asleep and Alex in the bath tub . They found Lilly on the floor of the bathroom right beside the toilet.

"What the hell happened here?" Alex shouted when she saw it. This still didn't wake Brook so Mavis went over and slapped her.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" she asked groggily.

"Her? What the hell is wrong with her? Why is there a demonic symbol on the wall?"

"What do you mean a-oh, that demonic symbol on the wall..."

They all looked at each other wondering how this had happened. Alex checked her phone and saw it was open to the camera app. "Hey guys, I think I filmed something last night."

Lilly looked at her, "Well watch it then."

She hit play on the video she found in her gallery. It showed Mavis and Ruby staggering to bed together, Lilly announcing she was making cookies and Alex dancing in the corner. Brook were using Ruby's nail polishes to paint a pentagram on the wall while lighting candles.

"So that's what happened last night..."

To be continued..

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