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"Now I'll be choosing your partners!" The teacher announced, my mind was back to reality as I ripped my gaze from the window to the teacher. The teacher took a piece of paper from their desk and cleared their throat. I hated working in partners, especially this time as I wasn't even sure about what we were supposed to do. I gave a worried glance to my friend, her turning around and crossing her fingers.

"Sandra," some boys catcalled once they heard her name. I rolled my eyes and gave them a glare, some replying with a cheeky grin.

"and Michael."

Sadly, I was one of the last to find out my partner. The only people left were B/F/N (best friends name), Dan and Rin. I quickly regained hope at finding out the large chance of me being with B/F/N, I gave her a wink as she silently chuckled.

"Y/N and Dan."

The whispers which followed through the class stopped, the class gave the teacher a surprised look as my mouth fell open.

I was partners, with Dan.

I have nothing wrong with him, in fact I don't even remember talking to him a lot. All I knew was that we was smart, very smart.

Dan furrowed his eyebrows as a anxious look covered his face, he could obviously hear everyone talking about him. I felt bad for him, he didn't exactly enjoy the spotlight. That's why people called him unknown or a loser, but I think it's perfectly fine. I felt someone poke my back several times, it was B/F/N. I turned around and she gave me a sad smile. "Maybe next time?"

I nodded. "Well, at least I don't have the worst partner in the world."

B/F/N didn't reply verbally, she gave an unsure face and then turned to look at Dan who was cleaning his glasses.

"He isn't that bad." I assured her. She shrugged her shoulders and pointed to the teacher who was giving out sheets of papers to everyone individually.

The teacher cleared their throat "Your assignment is on the sheet, it is due in two weeks time. But don't go slacking off, time flies ya know."

Unzipping my bag, I reached and took out my folder, placing the sheet inside and putting it back in. Just that moment the teacher dismissed everyone. I waited as everyone left to leave but felt someone grip my arm. In yelped in fear and spun around to see Dan.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you." He said, almost impossible to hear him. I sighed and laughed it off.

"Don't worry, I was just surprised." I said, giving a warming smile. He tried to smile back like me but then got all red and turned his head to the right.

"I-I was just gonna ask you if you don't mind starting the project with me after school, at the library," he requested. "We could start it now and get it over and done with."

"Sure!" I agreed. "Just meet me outside the gate at the end of the day."

Dan chuckled. "Great!"

An awkward silence fell over us then. I looked down and stared at the ground and Dan just looked around the classroom. Did I say goodbye all friendly? No, that would sound weird yet it's the most normal thing I can think of.

"Well, bye." I muttered, speeding off through the door. Leaving Dan in the classroom.


When the bell had rung for the end, I sighed as I checked my messages outside the entrance, being pushed by the crowds of students rushing to leave. Not minutes later I could notice the presence of someone standing in front of me, staring at me. I looked up from my phone to see Dan but just with his glasses gone.

"Sorry if I was late, I was putting in my contacts in the bathroom." He explained.

"No, no don't worry you weren't. Let's get going."

Hours of work later, we'd gotten to a good point to call it a day. Our presentation was half done and we knew what we were going to do with our model. I sighed in relief and took out my water bottle, downing the whole thing in sound go.

"I am actually quite proud of myself, I don't think I worked this much ever." I joked, throwing the bottle in the bin and sat next to Dan.

"Not anything special for me. Everyone makes me do it." He uttered so quietly I couldn't make out any of the words. I gave him a confused glance. Noticing my facial expression he suddenly turned tense and bursted into a fit of nervous laughter.  "I mean nothing, just bants...aha." He calmed down and looked down at his lap in shame.

I smiled at his dorkiness and messed his hair leading him pulling my hand away and pulling out his phone to see the damage. He slowly fixed and perfected his fringe again and gave me an angry pout. I felt a vibration in my blazer pocket and took out my phone.

Mum ☕️
Y/N It's almost 6pm! Get back here soon, love mum x

I freaked out when I saw the message, gathering all my tools and such and stuffing them in my bag. Dan watched me in confusion as I sat up and rushed out the door. He got up to follow me and called out my name.

"Wait! Y/N can I have your number, maybe we can discuss the project over text?" He offered.

"Sure, give me your phone!"

I speedily entered my number and saved my contact. "Okay, I've got to go now! Bye Dan, I've had lots of fun!" I yelled as I rant out of the building, he ran down to the entrance and waved me goodbye.

By the time I got on the bus I was panting heavily, I collapsed on a seat near the back and regained my normal breathing pattern. I felt another vibration coming from my blazer and took out my phone.

Hope you got on the bus and you're going home safely. I had fun at the library today as well, hopefully we can do it again tomorrow?

I smiled at the text, debating whether to reply now or once I get home. Deciding later I placed it back in my blazer and sighed happily. I like Dan, he's a nice guy.

what? an update! I seriously am sorry for never updating, I bet no one even remembers this book anymore. As much as I don't like writing imagines I started this one off and felt a large amount of inspiration to finish it. I feel like if this carries on I might go back to writing chapters or even editing the whole book etc. Anyways if you do read this, thank you.

Dan Howell ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now