S M U T ~ Thanks For 20k

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Hi, this is going to be SMUT.

This is going to be from Tumblr, not my own because I suck at writing...like if you haven't noticed you haven't been reading this. I might do my own smut soon, but for now here is a smut from tumblr. Also THANKS FOR 20K READS. That's like double 10,000...

You pulled up your dark blur dress and reached  round to do up the thin black zip on the back. You struggled for a couple of seconds before someone's warm large hands does it up for you. He put them at your waist, moving your hair to your other shoulder to whisper in your ear.

"How can you expect me to control myself with you looking like that?" He kissed your neck and you could hear him breathing in your perfume. You giggle lightly and pretend to fix your earring to make things less awkward. Dan had asked you to be his girlfriend around 7 months ago, he did it in the most adorable. Not only was he funny, smart, childish and adorable he was also cute, hot and sexually frustrating. He spun you round and pushed your hair behind your ear. "If I can't keep my hands off you it's not my fault." He smiled. Phil interrupted your moment by remind you that you guys needed to go if you wanted to meet up with your friends on time. You took your phone of charge and went downstairs where Dan and Phil were putting their coats on. You got yours and left the apartment, making sure to make Phil lock up unlike what happened last time. Dan took your hand and you all walked to the station where you got on a train to the club that Carrie had decided on.

Clubs weren't really your thing and after an hour you want to go home. But telling Carrie that you wanted to go home when celebrating her birthday was a bit rude. You sat in a booth next to Phil and Bryany whilst Carrie and the rest of her friends were dancing. Other than Louise and Dan they don't really dance, much like you. Phil had tried his hardest to make conversation, but that doesn't compare with sitting on the sofa with a fluffy white blanket and netflix. Dan and Louise came back holding several drinks for each of your friends.

He sat down rest and arm over the back of the couch. You talked to him for a while hoping that he would enlighten you, so you didn't feel so bad about wanting to go home. You played with the little fabric bracelet that was on his left hand, pulling the threads out carelessly and tangling the loose end around your finger. By twenty minuets your chatting was finished and when you looked at Dan you noticed he wasn't looking at your friends or your eyes, but instead your chest. "Well done Dan for being subtle."

You leaned over the table to get your phone which PJ had been using but that only gave Dan a better view.

"I'm really sorry Carrie, but I just remembered I had to upload a video tonight, and me and Y/N need to get up early." Before you could say anything Dan pulled you out the club and on a train back to your home. He pinned you against the hallway and began kissing you neck.

"That low cut top looks really fucking sexy you were basically flaunting yourself in front of me." He said between kisses. You felt him run a hand down your thigh and fiddle with them hem of your dress.

"let's take this to the bedroom." You tried not to moan out his name as he carried you into his bed filled with nerdy ornaments and his fluffy bedsheets. You dropped you next to the bed, pushing you both down so that he was onto of you. You carried on making out until Dan wanted to go further.

"Wait!" You stopped him.

"What's wrong do you want me to stop?" He seemed understanding, how were you supposed to tell him something that you hadn't even told your best friends. You can trust him, this is Dan.

"No don't stop, just... I need to tell you something I should have told you earlier."

"Are you a vampire?"

"What? No, I'm a, I'm a virgin." You kept your head down in embarrassment but it only made it worse as you were looking at Dan's crotch.

"Okay we can stop, don't worry about it." He said kissing your cheek and sitting up slightly before you pulled him down again by his top.

"No I want to carry on." He searched your eyes for any signs for lying.

"Really, you want your first time with me? Are you sure?" You smiled and nodded before he connected his lips back to yours.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of you. We can go slow." He was wearing a plain white shirt which had the buttons undone already and some black skinny jeans. You took his shirt off a threw it over to wear you both had taken your shoes off earlier. He pulled the zip on the back of your dress down and you slipped off the shoulder straps leaving it only covering your stomach. Thank god you were wearing your black bra and not the pokemon one which you had worn yesterday. He kept on starring at your chest and began to put kisses around your neck and cleavage.

"Stop that tickles." You giggled and he looked up through his long brown lashes smiling. He unclasped your bra and you both took every piece of clothing off of each other. He went I slowly, not wanting you to feel uncomfortable on your first time. "Dan, I'll bleed over your sheets." He stopped and looked at you, telling you that e didn't mind and carried on. You tried to hold back tears as Dan stretched you.

"Tell me if you want to stop." He kissed your cheek and asked if he could move, which you granted. He pulled out slightly before slamming back into you. After a couple of thrusts, the pain became less painful and more pleasurable. Dan was beginning to sweat and his fringe had stuck to his forehead, a layer of sweat over his golden chest. "God, I love you." He said between breaths. After a few minuets he was out of breath, all his light moans had made his throat go sore. "Want to stop?" You nodded and pulled out, lying next to you under the covers.

"Is it me or is it really hot in here."

"It's 'cause I'm around and I radiate hotness." He answered.

"You're so adorable." You smiled squinting your eyes."

"But you love me." He said rolling onto his back.

I didn't edit this, or read this...yeah I am a crap person c:. So if there IS a spelling mistake or something DON'T BLAME ME.

Thanks again.

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