My Wedding Day Ruined!

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Thanks for reading this and getting this book 11k reads. I searched up Dan Howell Imagines and my book came up as #2 even though is DOES has less reads than some other brilliant books, I was so shocked. :D

Here you go ilysm x


I was in a white long laced dress which covered my feet, my heels were plain white and my H/C hair was in a bun. Gosh, my wedding. Despite the fact Dan has been acting like he's on 'Don't tell the bride!' I think this day can't be ruined!

"Y/N!" My best friend squealed. I chucked and she was forcing me to turn around. "You look beautiful!"

"Thanks!" I blushed, the wedding was in half a hour and we were waiting for our ride. Dan booked it so I know he messed SOMETHING up!

"Are you excited?" She poked me.

"No, I am totally dreading this day." I said sarcastically. She seemed to believe it and I rolled my eyes. "No I am very excited for today."

The ride came and I was given flowers before I left the house. The ride was a big shiny limo, I got in and started to sweat. Today's my wedding. I thought. MY wedding.

When the limo stopped I picked up my dress and got out, Before I could take another step I felt rain pour down on me. Before I knew it I was drenched, My wedding dress that cost thousands was soaked. The dress was ruined and so was my hair; my shoes has water in them and my make up was running down. I ran inside but didn't want to be seen so I sprinted outside toilets.


DAN! Something has gone TERRIBLY wrong. Come outside the toilets.

I pressed send and slipped, the back of my head bashing the ground; I groaned. It hurt so badly, more than normal. I started to panic. Dan saw me on the floor and rushed down to me!

"Y/N!" He picked me up and sat me on a near by table. I could hear people talking from another room wondering where we are.

"The rain destroyed my outfit and I fell back."

"Try and move your leg."

"I c-can't it hurts." I whined.

The wedding was cancelled.


Ok, Ok. Nothing cute 100% happened but I am sure to make the next imagine super duper cute :). Well; i'll try.

Again thanks, I feel like every time I make a imagine I have to say thanks for something new. :D

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