#15: "You Did This To Me"

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And i know this is really short, but i couldnt think of ANYTHING BUT I HAD TO POST

-- I LOVE you for hanging on soooo long!



“Breathe” the doctor stated. BREATHE!? THE HELL!? I'M PRETTY SURE I WAS BREATHING. But it still HURT! “Only a few more minutes’ sweetheart, then you can go into surgery and you won’t feel anything anymore” Justin smiled in an attempt to calm me. I grabbed his collar and drug him to my face. “You. Did. This. To. Me!” I hissed, through tightly clenched teeth. He laughed as I let go, “Yeah, never thought id hear that one.” I giggled slightly. What the fuck was going on with my moods? Damn. “I'm sorry” I whispered. He shrugged, “I knew you didn’t mean it!” I brought his hand into mine, just as another contraction came on. I subconsciously squeezed his hand, harder than I ever squeezed anything ever in my entire life. I felt justin go limp beside me. He began tugging his arm, trying to free his hand. “Loosing feeling! LOOSING FEELING!” he squeaked. When the pain had passed, I let go and he breathed out in a sigh. “Ouchie” he whispered. I laughed again, “Sorry.” He eyed me wearily. I looked back at the doctor, who was laughing quietly. “What?” I asked. “You two are the most entertaining couple ever” she smiled. “Thanks?” I said. She nodded and then stood. “It's time to go get these babies out of you mama” she said. “Yay” Justin and I called at the same time. They unhooked wires and brought the sides up on my bed, then they wheeled me out into the hallway. Justin walked by my side the whole way.

                When we finally arrived in the room where the surgery was taking place I took a deep breath and looked up at Justin. “You’re going to be fine” he smiled. “I know” I nodded. He placed a warm hand on my cheek and then stepped back to take a picture. I blinked at the flash. “So not cool!” I commented. He sat on a little stool next to my head. “Get over it” he laughed. I saw as a sheet was raised to cover my vision of the lower half of my body. Then more pricks were felt on my wrist, just before everything below my boobs went completely numb. “Whoa, weird!” I whispered. “What?” Justin asked. “I can’t feel anything below my boobs” I whispered. He busted out with laughter and I frowned at him. “Sorry” he smiled. Our attention was directed to the doctor, “Alright, were going to start now, you may feel a little pressure.” I nodded to the best of my ability and held my breath. But felt nothing. SO OVERRATED. “I can’t wait” Justin whispered. “Me either, I want to be able to see my toes again” I laughed. It was silent for a few minutes before I heard the doctor say, “Here’s baby A!” It was seconds later that I heard the most amazing sound in my entire life. A baby’s cry. “It's a boy!” she called. He was passed off I assume because I heard even more crying and then, “Baby B! Another boy!” I smiled. My boys. “And finally baby C! Girl” she finished. “Were going to close you up and then bring you your babies...” the nurse commented from the side. Justin and I both nodded.

                A few minutes’ later three nurses approached holding each of the triplets. It was then that I started to ball. Their soft, tiny features and round pink faces. Justin ran a hand through my hair before taking pictures of them. “Were going to move you back to the room before we get the names from you and such” one said. I nodded and waited to be wheeled out of the room. Justin went off to follow the triplets and I laid there, by myself thinking of my future. When I was wheeled out of the surgery room and back into my hospital room Justin was already waiting there, with all three of the babies. The boys each laid in a separate clear crib. But what melted my heart, was that Grace was wrapped up in a blanket, cradled asleep perfectly in Justin’s arms. Once they recorded all of the names, times and got little tiny foot prints from all of them, we were allowed to pack up and leave. The doctor had mentioned that they were carried to term, so they were healthy. All ten fingers and toes. I watched as Justin dressed them on the outfits I had packed. He first dressed James, laughing at the faces he made as he stuck his chubby arms and legs through the wholes. When he was done with that he laid him in my arms and I lost focus on the world around me. He had my blue eyes, but ended up Justin’s honey locks. His brother Lucas looked just like him, but he had Justin’s eyes instead. Almost identical. And my baby girl, who was now getting dressed was the already the most adorable thing ever. She had my blonde curls and the honey brown eyes of her father, and her brother James. When Justin brought her over, dressed I observed the outfit he brought. It matched! But only because it was a once piece. Way to play it safe.

                A nurse walked in to take out a few machines and Justin handed her a camera, asking for a picture. She nodded, astonished at who she was talking to and brought it to her eye. He rushed to kneel next to the bed, where he grabbed Lucas and I held James and Grace. When we smiled and got a picture, I was helped into a wheel chair –which was policy until I got to the car- and then the babies were all put into a separate car seat by Justin. He was really getting into this father thing and it was really cute! He would smile and make faces, which caused giggles to erupt from all of them, which caused him to smile even more. His mom had been by earlier and said she would be waiting for us at our home. Which would now really be able to feel like  home. We made sure that the car was around back and being the middle of the night on November 12th,  no one was there anyway.

                I was wheeled out and helped into the car, as Justin strapped all them in. When he finally got into the driver’s seat he sighed. “What a day” he whispered. “I agree” I smiled. “Ready to go mommy?” he asked. I took his hand, resting on the divider in the Range Rover and smiled, “With you? Anytime.” 

#Someday Is Today (A Justin Bieber Pregnancy Story)Where stories live. Discover now