#13: "Do You Think Whales Are Sexy?"

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Sorry its been so long..but as i ALWAYS say i have alot of homework. 

Anywayyy, Thanks SO much for all the name suggestions for the babies!:D Im sure they love you for it!:D Now!..ON TO THE CHAPTER! Btw, i love this chapter, because if you sit back and think about it, you can SO see this really happening...well i can anyway. Shows you how involved i get with my characters!:DDDD 



It had been a few weeks, about 18 actually, since I found out that I was pregnant and Justin had proposed. And now, I was on the way to the doctors for our appointment. “You realize that we get to find out the sex today right?” I asked, placing a hand over my growing stomach. I was already huge, I couldn’t imagine how much bigger I was going to get. Yet, I hadn’t been seen by fans yet. “Yeah, I'm excited!” Justin smiled. He took his eyes from the road for a second to smile directly at me. As he returned his gaze, he took a hand off the wheel and placed it with mine on my stomach. I breathed out and closed my eyes. “What do you want?” I breathed. “What do you mean?” Justin asked. “Like sex wise” I asked. Then I cracked up. That sounded so wrong. “Well-“ he began. “Don't even take it the same way I did” I interrupted. “I don't care” Justin stated. “Of course you do!” I said. “Nope” he smiled; popping the p. “You have to have some sort of preference” I prodded. “If anything I want a boy, then a girl…so the he can protect his little sister” he smiled. I smiled too. “Yeah” I breathed. “I just hope we can handle three” he whispered. I looked over at him and gripped the hand that was resting on the divider. “Together, we can handle anything” I smiled. He laughed, “And you call ME the cheesy one!” “Well you are” I said. “Right” he scoffed. I looked back out the window. “I have a craving for ice-cream and pickles” I mumbled.

                I heard laughter beside me, and then the engine died. “Were here” he called, opening his door and stepping out. I waited as he walked around the car, to the other side, and opened my door extending his hand. I latched onto it and used it to pull myself from the car, which was growing more difficult every day. Justin helped me stand straight and then we walked –okay I was sorta waddling- into the building and I sat in one of the chairs in the waiting room while he went to check us in. It was completely empty, sigh, the privileges of being a Bieber. Okay, so I wasn’t one YET…but this ring on my finger says SOON. Not literally but you know what I mean. Like – UGH YOU GET IT. Justin came back and sat next to me, just as the same doctor as before (when we had the headcount and fainting occasion) came strolling out. “Mr. and Mrs.Bieber?” she called. Mrs.Bieber, sigh. I literally sighed, though this time from frustration. Because I had JUST sat down, and now I had to get up again. Justin grabbed my hand and with one fierce yank, I was up on my feet. We walked with the doctor, and it was yet again, pain staking slow, for all she did was talk. I sent a look at Justin that said, ‘I'm sorry if I'm being bitchy, but really?’ He smiled and I mentally fist pumped for effective mind communication. “I love you” I whispered. “I love you too” he replied. We got into the room and I got up onto the bed. She did the same old cold bluish jelly all over my tummy and etc. This time, after she told us that everything was fine, and they were growing normally, she stopped and smiled over at us. “Do you guys want to know the sex?” she asked.

                Justin looked down at me, I nodded softly, and then he looked back up at the doctor. “Please” he said. He squeezed my hand and we both looked at the screen, which she had turned to face us. She pointed to what she called, ‘Baby C’. “This one is a girl” she smiled. I felt a tear slip from my eye, and I looked up to see Justin in a similar situation. She then pointed to both ‘Baby B’ and ‘Baby A’; “these two are boys, as you can tell from well, the large…umm” she blushed. Justin and I laughed. He let go of my hand and shoved a fist into the air. “They sure are Bieber boys, taking after their father already” he yelled. I started laughing, quiet loudly. The doctor laughed too and then when Justin finished his happy dance I turned to look at the doctor. “I do apologize for my fiancé’s rude behavior, I trained him better than that” I laughed. She laughed too, and responded with, “It happens a lot.” She finished cleaning the goop off of my stomach, printed out the pictures with “Baby __ and then the sex” and handed them to us. “Congrats you two” she whispered, before leaving the room. “I assume we can go whenever we want” I smiled. “Not just yet though” he whispered, hopping up to sit on the bed next to me. “Let me see those” he said, grabbing the pictures from my hands. We looked at them quietly together before I whispered, “Two boys and a girl, our two boys and girl.” He looked over, kissed my forehead softly before smiling. Yeah, this was gonna be nice.

*A Few Hours Later*

                  After we returned home, and everyone had pinched our cheeks –seriously- and congratulated us, we were alone, in our new house. It was large, yet not empty feeling. We both lay on the couch, out back by the blazing fire pit and stared at the stars. I was trying to be careful not to squish him, but was defeated when he pulled me closer. “Last year, at this time I would have never imagined now” I whispered. “Me either” he replied. I blinked and tried to find constellations. “We should throw around some names” I suggested. “Including the ones my mom suggested?” Justin asked. “Why not” I stated. I thought for a moment. “So, I guess we just answer with Yay or Nay” I said. “Fair enough” he replied. “Emily.” “Nay.” “Erica?” “Nayyyy.” “You’re not a horse Justin.” “I know!” “Ben?” “Nay.” This went on and on for about an hour, and we couldn’t settle on anything. “This is hopeless” I sighed. “I agree” he nodded. It was silent again. “Well I diffidently think that one of the boys should be a JDB” I offered. “Okay, so….James?” Justin answered. I thought for a second, he was just about to announce another one when I stopped him. “Yay” I whispered. “Yay?” he questioned. “James Drew Bieber” I smiled. Justin hugged me, “Really?” “I love it” I smiled. “Yay” he sighed. I laughed silently at the un intended joke. Baby A. James Drew Bieber.

                “Why do you love it so much?” he asked. “It was my father’s name” I whispered. It was completely silent. “Oh” Justin said, so softly I'm surprised I heard it. “Yeah” I stated. “We don't have to keep the name” he said. Leading that it was okay to change it. “No, I like it” I nodded. It reminded me of him, and that was a good thing. “Okay…one more?” he asked. I nodded again. “Damien?” I asked. “Nay…sounds like a vampire name…so not into that” Justin commented. “Rude!” I laughed. “What about Lucas?” I asked. “Yay” he answered. “Yay!” I laughed. He smiled and started playing with my hair. “Lucas Zane Bieber” I presented. “Ohh, yay” Justin whispered. “I always liked that name” he added. “Why did I not know this?” I asked. He shrugged. “Girl time” I said. He sighed deeply, then closed his eyes. I kept starring at the sky, until I noticed he’d been quiet for a very long time. “Justin?” I asked, figuring he was asleep. “Hmm?” he asked. “What you doin’?” I asked. “Day dreaming” he stated. “Of?” “A little you running around, blonde bouncing curls, warm brown eyes, stunning smile, effortless grace-“ he started “THAT'S IT!” he yelled. “What?” I asked, rather alarmed. “Grace” he smiled. Ah, I could tell that she’d be a daddy’s girl already. “Yay” I smiled. “Middle name?” I asked. “Marie” he stated, as if it were the simplest question anyone had ever asked him. “My middle name?” I asked. “Well, if James has mine, than you need Grace to have yours” he stated. I nodded, “Fair enough.” Baby B. Lucas Zane Bieber. Baby C. Daddy’s little girl. Grace Marie Bieber.

                “This means we can start planning for the nurseries” I smiled. “Your right, do we want three separate ones?” he asked. “Sure” I said. “You sure?” he commented. “Yeah, we have the space, why not…but I do think we should have a rocker in our room to, just in case” I said. He nodded. “We can worry about that later” he said. I nodded, which was when he sat up. He moved off the couch and helped me stand up. “Time to go to bed mommy” he smiled. “Okay daddy” I said, wrinkling my nose. He kissed me lightly on the lips before guiding me towards the house. I paused briefly to look back, out over the sprawling lit up city. So pretty. He turned to me, as I wasn’t moving. He to another step towards me and wrapped his arms around my waist. I sighed, content. It was either that I wasn’t that big yet, or he had REALLY long arms. Let’s hope it was the first one. This was the perfect setting to the end of what turned out to be the perfect day. I just kept having the giant nagging part of my brain that told me that something bad was going to happen. Really soon. As we turned back to the house I asked a question that just randomly weaseled its way out of my mouth. “Justin, do you think whales are sexy?” I asked. He laughed, “Umm, why?” “I'm a whale” I muttered waddling. “In that case…extremely” he answered. I laughed picturing Justin swimming away with a giant blue whale. 

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