Chapter Twenty

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Summer with the Blake Brothers

Chapter Twenty

Lexi’s POV

I stared at my mother as she smiled at me before gathering me into a tight hug. She kissed my cheek and pulled me back so she could look me up and down. “Y’all aren’t supposed to be here for two weeks.” I said.

“Your father and I wanted to come and surprise you. We have some great news too!”

I glared at her as she called him my father. He’s my step-father, and that’s all he’s ever going to be.

“What’s the surprise?” I questioned, but instead of answering they pushed through me, moving in the living room and gathering the Blake family without sparing me a glance.

“We have something great to tell you all.” My mother announced. Michelle glanced at me with a questioning glance but I just shrugged and focused back on my mother.

“I’m pregnant.” She announced, turning to the side so we could see the start of her baby bump. Mason’s hand squeezed mine, but I didn’t look at him. My eyes were locked on my mother’s stomach as she smiled with pride. “We’re having a baby.”

Michelle was the first to say something, she jumped up from her seat and enveloped my mom into a hug. “Congratulations, you must be ecstatic.”

“We are.” Todd spoke for the both of them, his hand joining hers as they cupped the bottom of her growing stomach, but I couldn’t talk. My mother looked at me expectantly, but all I could do was force a smile. I was going to be an older sister. I was going to have a little brother or sister.

“Lexi?” My mother asked, her voice quiet. “What do you think?”

“I think . . . it’s wonderful. I’m happy for y’all.” I spoke, not sure if what I was saying was a complete lie or not. I was in a state of shock, but I knew that if I didn’t fake a smile and tell my mom I was happy she would go into a state of depression until I accepted the new family members. She already knew that I didn’t approve of Todd but not approving of the incoming baby would put her over the edge.

I felt Mason’s gaze on my face but I refused to look at him. If I did, he would see through my façade and I would crack, and I didn’t want my mother to see me like that.

“Why don’t we go into the kitchen and talk some more.” Michelle said, taking my mother’s and lead her away from the living room, where everything remained silent.

“Lexi.” Mason called to me as I stood up. “Where are you going?” he asked.

“I just need to think.”

“I don’t think that’s such a good idea.” Kyle said.

“I just need to think.” I repeated.

“Let me come with you.” Mason said.

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