Chapter Eleven

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Summer with the Blake Brothers

  Chapter Eleven   

Lexi’s POV       

After spending numerous hours retelling the entire date to my best friends, we were now spread out on my bed. Different kinds of candy were ruining my comforter. Seventeen magazines were laid wide open, and many flavors of soda were placed upon my nightstand. Currently we were watching Lion King.   

“I gotta say, I never thought this would happen.” Brittany sighed, flipped her on her side so she could face us.   

“What wouldn’t happen?” I questioned while lowering the volume on the television.   

“That us three would be dating brothers.” she smiled. “Best friends, going out with three of the hottest boys in school. I just don’t know how we got so lucky.”   

“I disagree.” Jackie stated calmly. “I think they are the lucky ones.” she laughed. I chuckled at her statement and twisted around onto my stomach.  

“Could you imagine where we would be if you,” Brittany pointed to me, “never came back?”   

“We wouldn’t be dating the wonderful boys we are now.” Jackie added. “Because of you, we were introduced to the wonderful brothers and are now going to be related.”   

“And we’re all going to have to live by each other.” Brittany said. “In huge mansions with little kids running around.”   

I continued to listen to them as they planned out our entire future together. But I kept my mouth shut because I didn’t want to ruin this moment. Just for a little while, they forgot that I was going to move. I didn’t know yet if Mason and I were going to last if I had to move.                    

We spent the rest of the night drowning ourselves in chocolate and soda. We talked about everything and anything but avoided the topic of moving at all costs. We talked about our boyfriends and what our favorite dates were so far. We talked about Melanie and what we had left to do. 

And now? We were currently leading Melanie to the next spot on her bucket list. I knew she would really like this one. Trent had told me she has never been here and has always wanted to come. I was glad I could be here with her to experience this. 

Trent followed right behind Melanie keeping his hands firmly over her eyes so she couldn’t see anything. “Can I look now?” Melanie questioned, sticking out her bottom lip in her attempt at the puppy dog look. 

“Yes you can.” I said while Trent took his hands off of Melanie’s eyes. She looked up at the building and let out a squeal. She bounded towards me, as fast as she could go, and wrapped her arm around my waist. 

“Thank you so much!” she squealed. 

“Hey I helped too.” Trent said. 

“Thank you too.” Melanie said, before taking hold of both our hands and leading us towards the building’s doors. “I’ve always wanted to come here, but we never had the time. I was always too busy.” She said vaguely. 

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