Chapter Ten

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Summer with the Blake Brothers

Chapter Ten          

Lexi’s POV          

It’s been a couple days since the hurricane. Michelle, Matthew, and the kids returned yesterday as well as Oliver. And now the house doesn’t seem to be quiet anymore. Mason had said our anniversary would be this weekend, which was only a day away. Michelle had immediately taken me to the mall, shopping for the perfect outfit.      

Michelle had a knowing smirk all throughout our shopping trip – clearly knowing where we were going. She dropped hints about where we’re going and I know there was going to be water. Although that clue doesn’t particularly help, we were right by water. It could be anywhere. But no matter how much I begged she wouldn’t tell.      

“Please,” I begged Michelle as she slaved over the stove, preparing dinner. “Please tell me.”      

“Mason!” Michelle called wiping her hands on her apron just as Mase came walking into the kitchen. He took my hand and kissed my cheek. “Take your girlfriend and go somewhere besides my kitchen.”      

“Were you bothering my mother?” he asked, a small smile playing on his lips.      

“Well, you’re not telling me what we’re doing, so I had to go to someone else.” I shrugged.      

“So you went to my mother?” he questioned. “You wouldn’t go to your friends?”      

“My friends know?” I questioned. “I completely forgot about them." I jumped up from the couch, pulling my hand from his and running towards the door. But before I could twist the knob two arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me back into the living room.      

“Don’t bother your friends.” He ordered, pulling me down onto his lap. “We’re leaving tomorrow night, you can wait. Right now, let’s just watch a movie and relax.” I managed a small nod before kissing his lips and letting my head fall into the crook of his neck.          

~*~   ~*~    ~*~    ~*~          

“This is so cliché.” I complained. My eyes were covered in a blind fold and I was pushed into a car. A familiar laugh sounded as a car door opened and quickly shut.      

He turned on the car, “Now please, I’m begging, don’t take that blind fold off. I’m trusting you.” Mason had pleaded as he backed up and left the driveway.      

The car shutting off had me sitting up straighter in my seat. My hands itched to take off the blindfold and ruin the surprise but I couldn’t make them. Mason worked hard to keep this a secret, and I would respect that.      

My car door opened as Mason helped me out of the car. My flip flops slapped concrete as Mason placed his hand on my lower back and walked me forward. My flip flops soon came to feel the familiar feeling of the sand. I could hear the waves and smell the salt. But we had been driving for thirty minutes, the beach was minutes from our house.    

  We walked until he placed both his arms on my shoulders and stood in front of me. “Are you ready?” He asked. I could hear the nervousness in his voice and smiled lightly. At least I knew I wasn’t the only one who was nervous about this. He was too.      

His hands traveled behind my head and towards the blindfold. My hands clasped together in front of me, as the blindfold fell from my face.      

I blinked as the bright sun hit my face. I finally rid of the sun spots before gasping at the scene in front of me. There was an alter stood in the sand, I could see different pictures placed on it as we walked closer. There was a table set up behind it, looking out towards the ocean. I could see the sun beginning to set.      

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