Part 31

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Chapter 31

Blake felt himself calming as Zeke talked to him, but the confusion made his decision.  Shifting back to his human form came easily.  For him, the shift back was simple.  Standing there, he raised an eyebrow at Zeke and then smiled as he thought of the fact that he was using Zeke’s trademark expression.

“What do you mean?  I have white spots.”

Zeke shrugged without looking at him.  The entire time, his eyes stayed on his father.  “Your parents were mated?”

“Yes,” Blake answered.  “I know that for a fact.  She had a bite mark on her neck, and my father had the same.  They were mated.”

“Hmm,” Barron mumbled.  “Who was the black leopard?”

“My father,” Blake answered, “but I never saw my mother shift.  She couldn’t.”

Zeke nodded.  “It was her price for going against the course of nature.  Snow leopards and black leopards are not meant to mix.  The outcome becomes unpredictable.”

“Like you,” Barron finished.  “Your mother was a snow leopard and your father a black leopard.  We have no idea how much power you have, but at least you seem to finally get in control of it.”

“Guys!” Amaya yelled from the forest.  “Can I leave my tree?”

“No,” they all yelled back at the same time.  They glanced at one another with a shrug.  None of them wanted Amaya close to the danger, and Blake did not want her around Zeke’s father.  The man had already cost her enough harm, Blake wouldn’t allow him to inflict more.

Turning towards the man in question, Blake asked, “What’s his name?”

“He doesn’t deserve one,” Zeke answered.  “He hasn’t since he was banished.”

Blake nodded before studying the man.  The expression on his face was neutral as if he thought whatever was going to happen wouldn’t affect him in the least.  He was wrong.  Blake planned to do whatever he could in order to make sure the man lived the rest of his days out in misery.

“What do I do?”

Barron spoke up.  “This sounds completely stupid, but you have to let go. You’ve blocked your true power your entire life.  Now, it’s time for you to ignore the people who told you your power was bad.  You have to embrace it.  You have to let go and let it flow through you.  Only then will you know what exactly you can do.”

Blake’s eyes flickered towards Zeke.  “You know what I can do?”

“We both have an idea,” Zeke mumbled, including Barron into his answer, “but if you want me to piss you off again to get you started, I will.”

“No thanks,” Blake mumbled while rolling his eyes. Taking a step towards the man, he was surprised when he stood still.  Why didn’t he try to run or at least defend himself?

“It looks like your mother was right,” Zeke’s father mumbled towards Zeke.  “Dark and light in one will make everything you worked for undone.  Hated how she had to rhyme all the time.”

Nobody said a word as Blake took another footstep closer.  Remembering Barron’s words, he tried to relax.  He tried to let his worries slip away, to let his past rules fall apart, but he couldn’t.  He couldn’t go against everything he had ever learned so easily.  A soft hand touched his arm.  Looking over, he smiled at Amaya.  “Just can’t listen, can you?”

She shook her head.  “Not when you need my help.”

Her hand trailed down his arm until she gripped hands with him.  Blake smiled.  It was enough.  It was enough to make him want to end this man in front of him.  She was blind because of him, she had a hard life because of him, but here she was, standing in front of the man with her chin tilted up in defiance.  Blake could do this for her.  Even if it were the last time he was around her, he could at least do this for her.

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