Chapter 35: Hard to Say Goodbye

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Chapter 35: Hard to Say Goodbye

Mr. Schuester introducing Jesse St. James to the New Directions as their new Show Choir consultant. Jesse proceeds to trash Finn, telling him most of the other male vocalists can sing better than him and that Mike Chang who can't even sing can at least dance, to which Finn gets visibly upset.

Rose: wait hold up Mr. (Gets up from her seat and walks up to him) You maybe new to this whole thing but only I'm allowed to insult Finn, got me?
Jesse: (scared) yes sir, I mean ma'am
Rose: (smiles) good glad we understand each other (turn around and goes back to her seat)
Jesse: you dated this guy Ryan right
Rose: (froze at the name and turns to him) how you know that? You don't even go to school here
Jesse: I know him cause he was my cousin
Rose: (color drained from her face) ohhhhhh
Jesse: so before you go and try to hurt me, think you should be careful what you say next since it was your fault for what you did to him

Rose tears came out of the her eyes and she quickly fled the room.

Finn: now that's it nobody makes my baby sister cry (about to approach him)

Puck and and Mike holds him back and Mr. Schue.

Mr. Schue: that's enough! Finn cool down, someone go take care of Rose and bring her back here

Kurt: (gets up) I'll go get her
Mr. Schue: thank you
Mercedes: (to Kurt) I'll keep you updated

Kurt nods and went to get his sister. Once everybody all calm.

Jesse then tells the kids that a solo is up for grabs at Nationals in New York and they will be auditioning for the part.

Rose was crying in the gainter closet. Kurt heard sniffling and crying as he walked by the door, he opened it revealing a crying Rose hugging her knees with her red eyes and noise running.

Kurt: oh honey...
Rose: it's my fault
Kurt: hey it's not your fault, Jesse just being a jerk (takes out his hanky and hands it to her)
Rose: (cleans up her face with it along with her noise and blows in to it)
Kurt: (cleans her face) not your fault what you did
Rose: but I was the one that was drunk
Kurt: but we're you the one driving?
Rose: (frowns) nooooo
Kurt: exactly so it isn't your fault
Rose: (sighs) I understand
Kurt: good, you had nothing to do with the death of Ryan, you two were just two messed up teenagers that night that didn't know what they were doing. You weren't yourself, cause I know that deep down my little Rose would never hurt a fly sober
Rose: (smiles) thanks Kurt (hugs him) made me feel a lot better
Kurt: anytime kiddo, come on let's get out of the closet. Btw why the closet?
Rose: um....  (Squeaky voice) Personal reason
Kurt: (gives her a look)
Rose: oh please don't act like you never done something in the gianter closet with Blaine
Kurt: shut up and let's go

Rose just smiles and left with Kurt from out of the closet.

Kurt: come on let's get back to glee club

Rose nodded and wipe her tears and headed back with Kurt as he had her arm around her.

When they made it back Mr. Schue said to them as they walk in and took their seat.

Mr. Schue: are you okay Rose?
Rose: yeah I'm okayyyyy,
Jesse: hey Rose I'm sorry I didn't mean all that to make you cry
Rose: (mumbles a little loud) sureeee you didn't (roll eyes and fakes smile) can we just forget all this and get back to what we were saying
Mr. Schue: (smiles at her) sure Rose

Rose sigh in relief as all focus was off her now and Mr. Schue and Jesse got back to discussion.

Coach Sylvester schemes with Terri to disrupt the New Directions flight to New York and has asked Terri to find her a computer hacker. Terri brings Howard Bamboo from Sheets-N-Things to her office where they conspire, using Figgins' e-mail, to have the flight routed through Tripoli, Libya so that the kids will be kidnapped upon landing or "kidnapped and killed."

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