Bonus Chapter #2

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Bonus Chapter #2
A month later since Rose's accident, her parents were put in jail after a brief court section. Rose was living with the Puckerman and things were going smoothly until that night.

With Rose and Sara in the girls' bedroom.

Sara: so what do you want to do tonight? My mom working late and Noah will be at a late football game
Rose: I don't know (thinks) wait a minute I got a better idea lets go see my good friend from my old neighbor hood
Sara: We can't Rose, we're banned from going their by my mother and brother remember. We can't leave the house when no one is home, they will never trust us again
Rose: you may have promise, but I didn't
Sara: Rose don't do this to yourself
Rose: I have to Sara, I haven't seen my friends since I left
Sara: but we made a pack remember, and this is a dangerous path
Rose: how is seeing my old friends a dangerous path?
Sara: going back to that old neighborhood were their is bad people their, after we were told no
Rose: what are you trying to say Sara? I grew up in that place, are you saying that where I lived is a bad place? Because if it's a bad place then I must be a bad influence on you
Sara: Rose I didn't mean it like that. You're good person...
Rose: but I did, and I'm going back and you can't stop me (starts to head through the open window)
Sara: Rose... don't do this
Rose: I have to Sara, I want to see my old friends again (climbs out the window)
Sara: what am I supposed to tell my mom and Noah?
Rose: just think of something I know you can (runs down the street)

Sara sigh and pray to herself that everything will go smoothly.

An hour later, Sara was pacing back and forth in her room not knowing we're her best friend was.

Someone knocked on her bed room door and she gasp and said.

Sara: who is it?
???: it's Noah, can I come in?
Sara: uh... hold on Noah

Sara looks around the room and gets an idea she goes to bathroom and turns on the water in the tub and turned it on the close it and comes back out.

Sara: (sits down on her bed and takes out her iPad) come in
Noah: (comes in) hey just came to check on you too
Sara: we're fine Noah. What are you doing home?
Noah: practice finish sooner then I thought. Finn is here and will be having pizza, what would you like Sara?
Sara: just regular cheese pizza

Just as Noah went to check the bathroom, Rose came through the window and Sara shooed her away and she looked confuse and when Puck came back out he said.

Puck: why is the tub running with water with no Rose in it
Sara: uh... Uh... I can explain that
Finn: (comes through the door) hey man what's taking you so long? Did you ask the girls what they want yet?
Puck: hold on (to Sara and cross arm) young lady, start talking where is Rose?
Sara: uh... uh...
Rose: (from the window) I'm right here (climbs into the window)
Puck: what are you doing outside and where have you been? You know you're not suppose to leave the house without permission
Rose: sorry I went for a walk
Puck: oh really? Because Sara always used that excuse and that got her in trouble last time. Now I explain again where were you.
Rose: okay I was back at my old neighborhood
Puck: young lady... you know you're not allowed back their anymore
Rose: but I wanted to see my friends
Puck: I don't care if you wanted to see your friends. Rules are rules in this house, you break them, you pay for the consequences. Since you got Sara into this she will get the same just as you
Rose: no please don't punish Sara, it was my fault. I take full responsibility, let me have her punishment
Sara: what are you crazy?! Noah don't listen to her, I will take my punishment
Rose: no Sara you had nothing to do with it, it was my responsibility I take full action of it
Puck: alright, alright enough you two. I will decide who will be punish or not. Rose since you been opened and honest about what you did wrong, you will be getting your punishment and Sara's punishment, and Sara you and Rose will both be grounded for the rest of the weekend, do I make myself clear
Rose/Sara: yes sir
Puck: Finn, Sara go order dinner while I deal with Rose please

Finn nods along with Sara and the two left the girls bedroom. Once they left Puck turned to Rose.

Puck: Rose... I don't know what's going on with your behavior lately, but it needs to end now. I gone over this with Sara multiple times about leaving the house with out permission. It was very dangerous of you to do that because someone could have grabbed you out of no where and since I'm in charge it would been my fault if anything would have happened to you
Rose: (looks down) I'm sorry Noah, I don't think before I do things
Puck: that's the problem with you girls. You two don't think of the consequences before remembering, just remember that for next time
Rose: okay

Rose hugged Puck and he smiled and hugged back, but then remember he had to punish her and he frown.

Puck: (pulls away and looks into her eyes) alright let's get this over with okay

Rose nodded and Puck sat down on Rose's bed and gently grab her by the arm and pulls her over his knees. He started swatting some smack onto her backside and Rose sobbed as each smack came down hard over her jeans on each butt cheeked.

Puck stood her back up and unbuckle her pants, before pulling them down her ankles and sliding her back over his knees once again.

Puck notice from under her panties that her bottom was already turning pink, he sigh and brought his hand back and swung it at her bottom making Rose squirm at the contact of Puck's hands on her butt.

Puck then told Rose to get her paddle for her spanking. Rose pleaded with Puck but he just pointed at the direction of it and Rose give up and frown and walk over to retrieve it

Both girls had a mini girly paddle with their name on it. Rose was red and had her name written across and Sara was blue also with her name written across.

Rose hand it to him before crawling back over. He continued to spanked her with his hands over her underwear before picking up the mini paddle and swatting her backside he even made sure to get the back of her thighs as well so it would make her uncomfortable to sit as a reminder for next time.

Puck pulled her panties down and got lotion and rubbed it on her bottom before picking up the paddle again and gave her 13 for her age and gave another 12 for what Sara was going to get.

Rose cried when her punished was over and Puck put on some lotion to cool her bottom.

Puck rubs the back of her thigh and bottom before sending her over to the corner with hands behind her head. And if Rose were to move or scratch Puck would have to start the punishment over.

Puck: (to Rose) little girl, I know I did not see those hands go there

Puck picks up the paddle and goes over to Rose and said to her.

Puck: hands up against the wall right now

Rose sobbed but did what she was told and got in position and Puck landed 13 more hard ones onto her punishment.

Puck: that is for getting out of position little girl. Stay in position and then we are done here.

Rose stayed in position for 5 mins not wanting to get another smacked with the paddle and when it was over Rose hugged Puck and apologize to him all over again.

Rose: I-I'm s-so s-sorry
Puck: shh shh it's okay just don't ever scare me like that again, okay?
Rose: I won't Im sorry (sniffles)
Puck: it's fine (kiss forehead)
Sara: (knocks on the door before poking head out) pizza here
Puck: alright will be down in minute

Sara nodded before looking over at Rose, then leaves closing door on her way out.

Puck: alright change into something that will make you feel comfortable, and wash up, then meet us downstairs when you down
Rose: yes sir

Puck kissed the top of her forehead before leaving and Rose sigh and pulled her panties up and then took out her jeans and put on legging and a big shirt on over her before cleaning her face and leaving the bedroom.

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