Chapter 22: Sarah Quits

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Chapter 22:

A week later
Rose couldn't be more happier today because she was finally off punishment.

Rose: (comes downstairs) morning
Finn/Kurt: morning
Kurt: better morning today
Rose: yep feels so great to be off punishment
Kurt: good we hope you learn from this experience
Rose: yes I will never sneak out of the house or be disrespectful you guys ever again
Kurt: good girl
Finn: hey, I'm sorry about that song in glee club last week
Rose: are you really sorry?
Finn: yes, I didn't think it would upset Ryan
Rose: well it did, it brought back every piece of memory he did to me
Finn: I was only trying to help, I want to keep you safe
Rose: I am safe, (press hands on his cheek) you see me standing in front of you not hurt right
Finn: yes
Rose: so I'm good, you don't need to protect me from him. I'm a big girl and I can take care of myself
Finn: if you say so
Kurt: come on kiddo you have to eat something then you have to meet Mrs Pillsbury before school
Rose: but I'm good now Kurt, I don't have depression anymore
Kurt: oh really (pulls up her sleeves from her Cheerios hoodie) are those new cuts on your arm little girl?
Rose: uh no...
Finn: why are you cutting your wrist again?
Rose: I'm not
Kurt: why Rose?
Rose: (sigh) how did you find out?
Kurt: I found your pocket knife, you forgot to clean it. Now answer us why?
Rose: (looks down) I don't know
Finn: please talk to us sweetie what's wrong?
Rose: (looks down tears fall down her face) I was angry last weekend
Kurt: why?
Rose: because I thought you guys liked Sara better than me because she always does her homework, she listens to you guys and you liked that. I thought you were going to replace me with her
Kurt: (grabs her face with his hand) hey look at me, we would never get rid of you
Finn: you are stuck with us for life whether you see or not. We are your brothers and we will love you no matter what you do
Kurt: (connect her forehead to her) and nothing will change that, look at me
Rose: (looks straight into his eyes)
Kurt: we love you, and don't you forget that no matter how hard headed you can be, you will always be our favorite annoying little goof ball
Rose: (giggles) you promise?
Kurt: (smiles) I promise (kiss her cheek)
Finn: good girl, now are you going to stop cutting yourself, or do Kurt and I need to take away all sharp objects away from you so you don't cut anymore
Rose: (wipes tears) I'll stop
Finn: that's my big girl

Finn lift her up and plants a bunch of kisses on her cheek making her giggle.

Rose: (squeals) Finn!!!
Finn: come on Kurt join me
Rose: (wiggles out of Finn grip) no!!!

The two started kissing her cheek as she made face as the two of them tickle her and she starts to get into a giggle fit.

Sara: (comes down the stairs) hey ready to go... Is something going on here
Kurt: (stops tickling and looks over at Sara) no everything fine now, have a seat nobody leaves without eating breakfast first
Finn: come on monkey (puts her in the air) time for super breakfast!
Rose: (giggles) Finn put me down!
Finn: oh wait I have my breakfast (starts kissing Rose cheek again)
Rose: (giggles) Finn...
Kurt: Finn come on
Finn: okay... Party pooper

Both girls giggle as Finn set Rose down on her chair, Finn sat down next to her and Sara sat across from Rose and Kurt hand them their breakfast and they all began to eat it.

Sara: Finn have you got a hold of Noah yet
Finn: not yet, he hasn't been answering his phone so I'm going to confront him in school today
Sara: I hope he hasn't been hanging out with Santana I hate that bitch
Finn/Kurt: hey language
Sara: all I said was bitch
Kurt: and that would be the last time I hear you say that word. Rose tell Sara the rules
Rose: um... It's rude and disrespectful
Kurt: and what would happened?
Rose: a spanking
Kurt: are we clear on that Sara?
Sara: whatever (mumbles) no wonder Rose says her brothers are so strict on her
Kurt: (looks at her) excuse me?

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