Chapter 13: What Hurts The Most

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The next day.

|Rose Inner Monologue|
I groan, I was really sore from last night punishment. I hated the stupid belt. I need to stop getting myself into trouble.

I went downstairs and found Kurt making breakfast.

End of Inner Monologue

Rose: Kurt!!!
Kurt: yes Rose
Rose: (sits down at the island of the table and watch him flip pancakes) I don't wanna go to school today
Kurt: I hope this has nothing to do about you not able to sit down
Rose: no, I know I deserved that it's about the other thing
Kurt: every thing will be fine baby, we have a meeting later with his parents and the principal Figgins and will get this whole thing straightened out
Rose: (smiles) okay
Finn: (comes in from the back door) morning my beautiful family (kiss Rose on the top of her forehead
Rose/Kurt: morning Finn

Kurt put two pieces of pancake and hands it to Rose and put it on her plate and Finn went to the fridge to grab something to drink.

Finn: hey dude I woke up early to finish your car, I took a test drive and works perfectly now (takes out bottle water and leans against the counter and drinks it)
Kurt: thanks big bro, what could I have done without you?
Finn: anytime little bro, always here to lend a hand. So Rose did you finish your paper last night?

Rose: yep, with Kurt's help, thanks Kurt
Kurt: hey Im their for you babe (kiss top of her forehead)

Rose smiles and puts butter on top of the pancake then pours syrup on her pancakes and add some fruits in as well along with whipped cream.

Finn: that my big girl (goes over to her and kiss the top of her forehead before stealing a piece of fruit from her plate)

Rose: hey! Get your own

Finn just smiled at her before kissing her on the nose and she smiled at him and he sat down next to her taking out the news paper and Kurt handed him a plate of pancakes, then put some for himself.

Rose: (moving around underneath) Kurt can I have a pillow cushion
Kurt: what's the magic word?
Rose: (smiles innocently) please...
Kurt: good girl, and yes you may

Kurt hand Rose a pillow cushion and Rose puts one under her and sighs in relief.

Finn: feel bad for you, because you're going to be sitting on all those hard desk at school today

Rose just sticks her tongue out her brother, before finishing up her pancakes.

Rose: I'm done, can I go get ready for school now
Finn: sure baby girl

Rose hopped off her stool, to go ahead and grab her school thing and Kurt said to Finn as he puts stuff on his own pancakes.

Kurt: so we need to talk about this Ryan guy blackmailing our little sister
Finn: agree, I don't want her going near or talking to that boy again (takes a bite out of his pancakes)
Kurt: we need to tell the glee club to look out for Rose, because she is not safe. Words will get out, and Ryan will know that she told on him. I don't want to see her hurt
Finn: I don't either Kurt
Rose: (comes in) I'm ready to go
Finn: okay just let us finish breakfast, and will be off to go

Rose nodded and sat back at her seat, and let her brothers finish their breakfast.

Kurt pulls up in the school with his car, and Rose climb out of it, and she spots Sara in the parking lot, who was coming out of her mom car and wave out to her and she waved back.

Rose ran over to her and gives her big hug.

Rose: I missed you because now I could do this (hits her shoulder)
Sara: ow! (rubs her shoulder) what was that for?
Rose: for not telling me that you were in dance class yesterday. Thanks to you, I got the belt from Finn
Sara: maybe you shouldn't have lied, and how is it my fault that you got the belt. You're the one that lied and left without telling your brothers. I didn't make you do that.
Rose: I couldn't have told them the truth about where I was. I know how Finn complains about Ryan.
Sara: do they know now?
Rose: of course they do, theirs a meeting after school
Sara: that can't be good
Rose: yep.
Sara: come on let's get to class we have English together
Rose: let's go.

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