Part Three: Bullets Spilled: Chapter Seventeen

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Floyd went up to his room after a very awkward and silent family dinner. My step-dad had a few drinks at dinner. He shut his door behind him and sat on his bed. He heard his brother screaming angrily and then Jerry started yelling at him. Floyd sat there and his head went down, a single tear drops from his right eye and rolled down his cheek and dropped off his cheek. He noticed it had landed on his right leg. He was wearing blue jeans and there was a tiny wet mark where the tear drop had landed.

Floyd then got up and kneeled down in front of his bed. He looked underneath it and pulled out a box. The box had the picture of a sling shot on it. He took the top off the box and inside of it was a larger version of the sling-shot in the picture. He bought this sling-shot from a kid at school. Jerry doesn't know he has it. It was to protect his brother. Jerry was abusive. He always beats Floyd's brother. It was sad but it is what it is. Since mom died and dad doesn't want anything to do with them. They have had to live with their step-dad, Jerry. It was time to stand up. Floyd picks up the sling shot and grabs one of metal balls and he put it in his hoodie pocket. He kicked the box under his bed and slowly opened his door.

His brother started screaming, he was clearly in pain. Jerry was hitting him again, and he was finally bgoing to put a stop to all of this bullshit. It is what it is. He had lived an abusive life and it was time for all of the abusive to stop for good. He slowly creeped down the stairs and the screaming and yelling continued and got louder as the boy got closer.

Then his mom's voice came, this had happened a few other times in his life, all in similar situations as this. "Sweety, he loves us he just can't express it properly." It was nice to hear her soft voice, she had a very precious voice, he remembered how she used to read to him when he was younger before she died. He also remembered that she was a very good singer, she was apart of the church choir. The same choir that sang at her funeral. That funeral felt as if it was everlasting and sometimes he feels it's the only memory that he can close his eyes and see clear as day. All the others were fuzzy like they had bad reception inside of his brain.

Floyd had a choice, he could stand up for his brother or he can go back to his room and sleep and think about how awesome it would be to shoot Jerry with a sling-shot. He sat down on the step and he whispered back to the voices in his head that he recognized as his mother. "But he might kill Lucius, I can't risk that, he needs my help."
Instantly she responded, "Lucius will be fine, you don't need any bad attention from him. Please listen to me my sweet baby boy."

Lucius is heard screaming "Nooo! Jerry Please!!! I'm sorry!!!!"
"Mom, I have to do something," Floyd continued arguing.
"Floyd, you don't have to do anything, not yet. You will get your chance to save your brother but you can't do anything about it right now."
He remembered what dad had constantly reminded him, "You're mother is always right even when she isn't son!"

For the longest time he thought that joke was a serious rule that she was always right. So he would always listen to her because it seemed she was right about everything. His realization that she wasn't always right came, it was because she fell in love with Jerry only five years after his father passed. She was not right about him, he was what his dad would call an asshole because he was rude to the kids and eventually became abusive verbally and after their mother died he became abusive physically as well. It was sad but it is what it is. You can't change the past. Unless you're one of those Meta-humans that can go back in time.

"Fine." He finally agrees and obeys his mother voice that is coming from his imagination or quite possibly insanity. The screaming had stopped and Floyd had been so distracted with the voice of his mother giving him advice that he hadn't noticed the screaming had stopped. How long has Jerry been done with him?
"Shit..." Floyd whispered to himself and he started quickly and quietly walking up the stairs. And then the light came on. And standing behind the kid holding a slingshot was the abusive stepfather Jerry.

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