Chapter Twenty Two

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Chapter Twenty Two

            My head was pounding and my body was aching. It felt like I was thrown in front of an oncoming freight train.  The last thing I remembered was being hit with an object to the head and then darkness.

Opening my eyes, it was dark and I was alone. I tried moving, but it was useless, I couldn’t move because of the chains that were bind to my arms and my legs. I frantically looked around the room; the only light was coming from underneath the door.

Looking around my surroundings, I noticed I was in a wooden room, almost like a shack.

Shit, where’s Noah?

I remembered he was beside me in bed, but I didn’t know what had happened to him. Dear God, I just prayed he was okay.

I heard footsteps coming from outside the door; a shadow was covering the light that was coming from underneath the door. The door slowly opened, I held my breath, frightened.

It was too dark to see who the person was, but once the last were turned on, I gasped in shock and betrayal.

“No, no!” I cried, tears falling down from my eyes, as I tried to be free from the chains.

This couldn’t be happening.

This couldn’t be true.

This had to be a dream.

It had too. It just had too.

Because the person that I see right now couldn’t do this to me. They couldn’t. They just, fucking couldn’t.

“Shocked? I’m surprised you didn’t see it coming, T.J,” sneered the boy I loved.

“NO. NO! Noah, you couldn’t do this to me, please tell me this is a dream. Please!” I begged. My tears were turning to a sob.

Why, why would Noah do this to me? Why would the boy who helped me, loved me, and actually cared for me, do this to me?

“It’s true sweetheart, I’m the bad one. Then again, I’m an amazing actor and killer gang leader,” he smirked.

The smirk I use to love.

“Why?” I whispered, brokenly.

He took a few steps towards me.

“Because Teej, I want money and in order to get that money, I had to play you, act like I loved you, and  then kidnap you  and kill you,” he explained, shrugging.

He took more steps towards, until were just inches apart. His blue eyes gave nothing away, they were blank.

More footsteps echoed throughout the room and I flickered my eyes behind towards the door to see my ex boyfriend Jacob, and about ten others enter.

 “Well, Noah, what are you waiting for, aren’t you going to kill her?” asked Jacob.

I cast my gaze back to Noah, who was staring at my intently. It was then that I noticed the cool metal of a gun pressed up against my temple.

I breathed in, and exhaled while my eyes were closed. I opened them, and stared at Noah, defeated.

“Play along, Taylor. Please,” he whispered so quietly that I barely heard him.

Confusion, swept across my face.


He noticed my confusion and whispered again, so I could only hear.

“Just play along, and act like you’re dead. Just please. This gun isn’t loaded,” his eyes begged me.

Me, being hurt, angry by this boy, complied.

He moved the gun so it was pressed up against my stomach.

“I’m sorry,” he whispered, and a tear escaped his eye as he pulled the trigger.

The last thing I felt was the searing pain of the bullet ripping through my stomach before darkness consumed me all over again.  


Anyways, only two more chapters left! :D

So, please, please, please, comment and vote because this is entered for the Watty Awards. And I would really like to make it to the next round. So please please vote! ALSO, I dedicate this to laceytwilight because she's been a really amazing fan throughout this whole book, so I dedicate this to you because you've been a great and patient fan, and just overall amazing and supportive :)

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