Chapter 24

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The wind was strong in my face but I did not have to suffer for long for once again I managed to pass out only shortly after take off. This time round was slightly better, I managed not to puke at all probably cause my stomach was already empty but I am proud to admit that even the empty heaves were surprisingly abscent. It was apparent that flying just took a little getting usused to. At least on the internal front, externally I was chapped almost raw. Every bit of exposed skin felt like it was on fire.

I lay on Craig's bed as Craig obligingly smoothed on some sweent scented lotion over my exposed skin, Jasmine? I was thankful, my attire had been somewhat suitable with my Tee and skinngy jeans having covered me from shoulder to foot. I was still feeling wobbly and jitterish. I was still too weak to even lift my own hand up to apply teh cream on my on face, hence Craig was doing the deed for me.

It was almost amsuing to watch as he kept turning his head to glance back at Cody who was still shirtless ane very present in Craigs small cramped room. I was sure I would soon suffocate from the sheer amount of tostesterone that was flooding the room.

Craig had been surprisingly hostile towards Cody. Seeing my limp form carried in Cosy's arms bridal style seemed to have set off a sided of Craig I had not seen before, hence the gentle application of cream on my face intersped with the hostile glares at Cody who stood calmly in the corner not at all looking in the slightest bit concerned by the anger Craig was radiating.

I struggled a bit but finally managed to channel sufficient energy to my hand so that I could lift it up to touch Craig's face to show him that I was feeling better, that I was thankful over his ministrations. Craig glanced down at me to give me a tender smile I had never expected to see on his face. Cody must have shaken him up more then I thought.

""Could I get you something?" Craig asked concerned.

"A drink! I need some water and sugar in me," I said letting my hand drop back to the bed. I had never realised jsut how heavy my arm was until now.

Just then the doorbell rang, Craig stood up," I have to go get that, I'll bring up your drink." He looked uncertainly towards Cody who was still standing there in the corner looking indifferent.

"Go ahead, I'll be fine. Oh and if its guys in suits looking like they're out of some MIB movie don't let them know I'm here," I say somewhat tiredly.

Craig gave me a curious stare, wanting to know more but just then the doorbell rang impatiently again so he gave me a nod before he opened his room door to jog downstairs to see who was calling.


Sorry its a  short chapter but I have been focusing more on SIM lately. have a read of that as well as it it sort of linked to Miffed.

Happy reading. Feedbacks or votes are sorely needed.


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