Chapter 6

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I missed work and school over the last couple of days. It just took me that long to recover. My parents will be due back this Sunday. I was hoping to recover fully by then. I had been avoiding Craig and my other friends, I'd even been off tweeter and facebook. In short I was cut-off from the world. Yet I now felt a permenant link to the world one that was bone deep.

Jim had no recollection of anything of that night, the news reported strong winds and strangely enough, avalanches and flooding over at the Himalaya's. I didn't quite know what to make of that but somehow I had this gut feeling that it had to do with that inferno I saw that night. No matter how my rational mind may decree otherwise, I knew for certain that, what happened was a result of that inferno, that what happened had been real. As real as that fart that Jim just emitted. Eew!

"Eeeww, you smelly pig!" I grimaced and pinched close my nose.

"Don't be such a girl. Its just a fart! Even you do it!" he proclaimed unaffectedly.

"Do not!" I exclaimed in protest. "Besides, yours stinks beyond anything, What did you just eat?" I asked in a chipmunk voice for my nose was still pinched closed.

"Get over it,a lready!" was all he deigned to reply.

"No shit! You just fucked up my parfume. I'm now covered in eau de fart," I said, not a happy camper. But all he did was drop me a happy grimace.

"Shitface!" I said.

"Fartface!" He dared to say.

"You're the fartface! You farted! You shit-fart-face!" I childishly bickered back knowing I was being silly but despite it being two days past I was still sort of wired up. I even felt an unusual unexplicable void in my core, if that even means anything. I'd been chinese, I'd say my chi was all done filled to the brim and overflowing with some wiered dark substance. I wasn't sure if others could see into their chi like I could but I was not about to ask to draw any suspect gazes. I was determined to not have anything muck up my incognito status. Especially, given the last recent fiasco with the car and the one even further back at the playground.

The voices of that night haunted me as well. I could almost guarantee that what ever it had been it was still there in me. We were still linked. I could not get a clear read of them but I felt them mummering at the back of my head. It was like a radio buzzing vaguely in the background so far away that while you know its on you cannot actually hear it.

Jim pulled over at school. Friday, I loved it! The last day of mingling with civilisation before the weekend when I can hibernate in my room in peace. Well not always in peace, Craig or Rachel or one of the others sometimed holed up in there with me too. But I was at Jim's now so likely, I'll be having a peacefull time of it.

I hopped out of the car, feeling comforted at the thought of a peacefull weekend ahead and through not seeing where I was going, barreled right into Kay. Had I been someone of more substance, I'd been sure to have knocked him of his feet. Although, him being a quarterback closet nerd might have something to do with the fact that I was likely the only one bruised from the encounter. His jock friends were catching up to him, leading me to understand that he had made a bee line right for me as soon as I swept out of the car. If you could call it that. I rarely swept anything, especially the floor. But again I digress, asshole here, is being a pain in the butt.  

Two of his flakies catch up to him or shall I say us, for I just realised I was still molded to him. Blushing I looked up at Kay and noted his intent stare hadn't changed. Guess he was still focused on whatever it was he wanted me to do for him. I noticed the groupies and noted they were all staring at me oddly. Kay had ignored my embarased look and I was still clasped in his arms. I pushed back to no avail and then tried to wiggle free. By this time, Jim had gotten out of his car and was by our side confronting Kay.

"What is going on here?" came macho Jim to the rescue. He was obviously ignoring, Kay's impressive build. It was cute that he would challenge Kay for me but so unnecessary for I was just about to end this anyway. One swift kick to you know where would get me released in no time. Kay must have seen that intent in my eyes for I was abruptly released.  Not quite expecting it. I stumbled back a pace.

"I really need to talk to you Ariane, please," Kay looked at me in ernest, I could tell he meant nothing by the molding of our bodies only just moments before. A tinge of disappointment flickered through me. I brushed it away like a pesky fly and concentrated in pacifying the now levid uncle Jim, for stupid Kay was actually ignoring the presence of said uncle and as I just noticed just about every other person present to witness this fiasco. I seem to be a magnet for fiascos of late. Ignoring my momentary indulgence in self pity I decided it was time I took matters in hand and do the unthinkable. I threw myself onto Uncle Jim, wrapping my arms about his neck and exclaiming loudly, for all to hear, "You saved me, uncle from this awful quarterback! Ewww!" then I took a step back and made a quick survey of all the gaping faces. Pleased with the results, I proclaimed I was ready to get to class and did a swift turnaround, throwing a whithering look at Kay before ambling up the slight slope to dodge the crowd that littered blocking the walkpath and made my way to class.

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