Chapter 9

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The guy were in suits forgodsake. It was blistering hot in the desert but these yuppies were all suited up. Perhaps we were off to a wedding or a funeral. Neither option looked at all passable. I threw an angry glare at the creep over my sholder. But his dark glasses shielded his reaction from me. I suspect there wasn't a reaction  to begin with.

It was with some trepidation that I turned to face Kay who was my sole way out of this, whatever this was. I resolutely ignored the fact that it was he who got me in the spot in the first place and threw him a pleading glance to get me out of here pronto.

Kay ignored me and gave a nod of acknowledgement to what must be the leader of the pack. A geying aged guy who was not at all soft in paunch. I would not want to get into a scuffle with him or any of these guys come to that. Without a word to me or even between them, we started to move off to nowhere. It was the same flat landscape all round. The only thing that struck my mind, the only reason they could have had for bringing me out here to the middle of nowhere, was to do away with me. It was the prime spot. All rational thought fled, even the obvious point that the whole school saw Kay cart me off simply disolved from my mind and I started to claw my way out of their grips. I kicked and tugged and shoved to no avail. Then I upped the ante and scratched and bit. But all I got was a grunt of annoyance and I was shook off like a pesky fly.

We had stopped by this point and just as I was about to make a mad dash for god knows where, for thats exactly where we were, right smack in the middle of nowhere. A sudden jarring sound emitted from the gounds beneath. I looked down at my feet in sudden horror certain that I was about to fall into a pit of doom.Yes, by now I was so totally out of it. The every epitome of an irrational female. Sad as it may seem but I was reduced to role of the very helpless female, one I had always scathingly berated in every horror and thriller flick I'd seen.

The ground beneth me did gape open but not to reveal the fiery pits from hell as I had fancifully imagine, alright, too much indulgence in  horror flicks, but it revealed a plat form that was being raised to ground level even as I attempted to regroup some semblance of dignity. For the polished veneer of my escorts had crumbled into  fits of laughter as they all rightfully took in my horrific expressions for what it had been, a solid overactive immagination.

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