Chapter 5

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A pounding headache greeted me that very next morning. I was back on my bed under my quilt all warm and toasty with only the unbearable pounding on my head to detract me from my moment of bliss. It was a detraction with immense width and breath. Probably the distance of the earth to the moon if we are trying to quantify things. Not being one for such details, I'll just say I'm in fucking pain and leave it at that to convey my situation. I'm sure all and sundry can now clearly picture my pain.

 I braced myself as the loud knock that hammered on the door pounded through my head sending  a wave of nausea crashing through me. Without missing a beat, I leaned over and puked my guts out on the carpeted floor by my bed. I grimaced at the mess and noted my untimely visitor, Jim, did the same.

"Are you fit enough to clear that up?" came his concerned question directed at me. I seriously considered replying in the negative but some of what I had been thinking must have shown on my face for Jim did the unthinkable and slammed the door shut after first giving me the smile from hell.

I did the only thing I could, I clutched my pounding head and dived for cover under my blankets dragging my many pillows on top. But the stank of my vomit got to me and I had to drag myself out of bed and confront the world as is.

The events of night before struck me like another blow to the head. My hand raised to the back of my head where that first blow had literally taken place, likely when I collapsed unconcious. I thought to the bizzare happenings of the night before. Could it have been a dream? Maybe I had sleep walked to the back garden and fallen there hitting my head in the process. I gave that some thought but, no, I was quite sure last night had been real. As real as is that puke on the floor. A reminder of that had me dragging my feeble self, for I was feeling unusually drained, out of bed and on to the bathroom. I stripped off my meagre coverings along the way and tossed them into the laundry basket. I decided to take a full shower after brushing my teeth. The warmeth from the bath helped restore some semblance of my calm to my inner turmoil. A turmoil I hadn't even known I was in till the bliss of the warm water pouring over me momentarily washed it away.  

Wrapped in a towel I turned to face myself in the mirror. I stared for what seemed a long time lost in thoughts searching for I knew not what in the appearance before me before flipping on the dryer, I blew dried my hair into its natural waves.

The draw of the incidents of the night before prompted back my receeding headache back into action. So it was with a full blown migrane that I dragged myself downstairs to gather in my cleaning supplies. I was well into blacking out before I even finished. That was where, Jim found me when he returned from work that night.

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