Thank You...

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THANK YOU for reading The Conspiracy of Silence up to this point of the story. I am truly grateful to people who voted this story and shared this to people they know. Without you, TCoS will not be able to reach 55K Reads (and counting...) and be on top 10 in General Fiction category. You are so awesome! 👍

I have a lot of worries in life and if it was too much to bear alone, rereading your comments in my works truly lighten my mood. Especially the comments posted on Chapter 25 of this story. I had never finish a novel with a proper ending. This is my first. So there are moments, while writing this, that I started to flounder. That was why I am so SO THANKFUL that most of my readers here are really considerate and patient. I hear your words and tried my best to reply to everyone. By doing that and writing this are my only ways to show you my appreciation.

I hope you like how I ended this story. There might be some confusions and loophole on some scenarios of TCoS, but that only showed I still have to eat a lot of candies to improve. 😅 I will try my best to show my progress. And when I do, I will come back to this story and edit this for a more stable one.

Sorry to say, I have no plans on creating Book 2 for this. What plot will I create on that, that doesn't just talk about their marriage and will not be a far cry to Book 1? I hope you understand my decision. And I hope you enjoyed the epilogue.

PLEASE look forward to my future works! I am excited to be part of batch 2 in AMA-Con! To those who doesn't know, AMA-Con is a group of writers that writes about Aldub and Maichard. You can read the Batch 1 stories here AMACON_Writers

Hearts 😘😘😘😘 to these people who constantly leave comments to the point that I have to roll on my bed sa kilig. THANK YOU! Beri beri much!

AngelineJoeceProvido          Aria_SR

Boiledcauliflower                  eusebiojen24

fatheralden                             formaichard

JClimeH                                     LeftyMe

LittleNerdyFanGirl                  loureinne

maidenft1d                                  mainedie

MEAxMEA                                     middle_four

rarelove26                                 sandysweetcheeks

sentreet                                          ShirleyBernardo9

techiesangalang                         themysteriousgirl29

WistfulDrea                                 yahoopizza

THANK YOU everyone for staying with me in my TCoS journey. Hope to see you on my other works. Tata! 🤗

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