Chapter 31: skating date

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Narrator's POV

After splashtown the girls headed to the skating rink. Quinsalyn asked to go back to her house to get her skating equipment.

 Quinsalyn asked to go back to her house to get her skating equipment

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Later at the rink

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Later at the rink

Quinsalyn and her friends went in and stared in awe it was so pretty "so what are we waiting for get your skates out and let's get our butts on that rink" quinsalyn chuckled while skating gracefully then everyone stared including her friends and did a backflip then landed on her feet. The boys came a couple minutes later quinsalyn looked and altered the girls "hey guys what are you doing here?" Ayla questioned Deanna looked"I don't care as long as they can skate" Deanna said smirking. Marinette asked if we could have a race with the boys the manager said yes.

Teams: quinsalyn vs Adrien

Deanna vs bill

Ayla vs nino

Marinette vs Nathaniel


The referee explained the rules of the game and he eyed bill "and NO I mean NO MAGIC!!!!!" He said I laughed softly at bill getting told what to do. Adrien and I were up first "ready set go" the referee said then we were off "hey foxy you should know that I have been thought to skate" Adrien said I rolled my eyes"great but that would stop me" I said zooming to the finish line then I felt something and tripped and fell off course "ow, ow, OW!!!" I said then Adrien ran to my side " what happened to you!" He cried I was confused "I don't know I was skating one minute and then I just fell" I said then I looked at bill with his hands glowing blue then he put them away "bill.." I said while looking at him then Deanna took charge (LIKE A BOSS) "bill ,the referee and I both told you no magic" Deanna said bill frowned"but you girls always think your better then us" bill said with anger in his voice Deanna stood and got all up in his face "doesn't mean you have to go and hurt my friends like that it's just a game it's not that important you know" Deanna said. Then Adrien carried me bridal style to the hospital .

Later in the hospital

I laid on the bed while Adrien and Deanna were by my side "you know sometimes I just don't understand what is up with him I feel like there's still some evil in him like he can't control himself" Deanna said sadly I touched her shoulder"as you said we have survived worst then boys we don't have to have boys as the promblem anymore" I said then she started to laugh "what's up d" I said she pointed to Adrien who was sleeping like a baby I giggled then tapped his head and his eyes fluttered open "h-how long was I out for?" Adrien said I laughed "about an hour" I chuckled and showed him my phone it was a picture of him

I laid on the bed while Adrien and Deanna were by my side "you know sometimes I just don't understand what is up with him I feel like there's still some evil in him like he can't control himself" Deanna said sadly I touched her shoulder"as you sai...

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Adrien blushed "you serious?" We nodded and laughed then the nurse came in "okay you'll come out if the hospital tomorrow and you'll still go to school" the nurse explained

Dang it and just to think I could relax

Adrien and Deanna both hugged me"that's awsome and I'll try to talk to bill about the situation" Deanna said I hugged her then she leaned in and whispered "now you can have alone time with Adrien hmmm" Deanna smirked "you evil-" I said then she left out the door.

That Deanna ... I will get her !!!!

Adrien kept working about me I told him not to but he did anyway. Something tell me he's going to go to overprotective boyfriend mode.

A/n- hey my foxes sorry if I wasn't updating. I was working on a new book called A New Light (Steven Universe x reader) (oc) go on and check it out

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