Who will be your date?

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It was already lunch time and Sofia sat with her friends.

Amber started talking. "So, girls. Who will be your date for the Royal Ball?"

"I think I'm going with Zandar." Hildegard said with a smile.

"Nice choice, Hildy." Amber said with a smile. "How about you, Clio?"

"James." Clio smiled. Amber gave an 'Are you kidding me' look.

The friends of Sofia, except Laila were smiling at her and they were waiting for Sofia to tell who her date will be. They were hoping it will be Hugo. Then she noticed that her friends were looking at her.

"What?" Sofia asked in confusion.

"Who will be your date, Sofia?" Vivian asked Sofia.

"Me? I.. It will be..." Sofia did not know what to say because she wasn't too sure if Hugo will be her date.

"Its alright, sis. You can talk to me about it later." Amber said with a smile.

"So Laila, who will be your date in The Royal Ball?" Maya asked. Amber really did not want anyone to ask Laila who her date will be.

"Hugo." Laila said with a smile. Everyone but Amber was surprised. Especially Sofia. Sofia started to choke.

"Oh, no we gotta go to the clinic!" Amber said worrying. She took Sofia and went to the clinic

Meanwhile, the princes were talking.

"Who will be your date at the Royal Ball, Zandar? James asked.

"Hildegard." Zandar smiled. "What about you, James?"

"Clio." James said smiling too.

The princes looked at Hugo who was thinking of who his date will be.

"Hugo, who will be your date in the Royal Ball?" James asked Hugo smiling. The princes hoped that his date will be Sofia.

Before Hugo was going to say anything, he saw that Amber and Sofia were going to the clinic. Hugo wanted to know what was going on so he followed them without them noticing.

Forgotten Friend : A Princess Sofia and Prince Hugo FanficWhere stories live. Discover now