MYrant 2

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There's a few things I've begun to notice.
People seem to think their needs are more important than their future.
Their child,
That will carry on your legacy,
Should be your utmost priority.
You know what I hate?
Seeing a mother picking her children up from school only to light a smoke as they ride away.
Hearing a mother calling their child everything you can imagine except their government name.
Knowing a child that is raising her siblings as her mother thinks finding a man takes precedence over her family.
Working with broken, abused, neglected children given up on by all that claimed to love them.
Feeling their embarrassment when they are forced to wear the same clothes day after day because your priorities go into your nose.
Sneaking them food to ensure they have something to eat tonight.
Some people believe they have a difficult life.
I ask you, take a look at our children.
They are suffering from our negligence.
A child should never feel as if they are their brother's mother.
A child should never be called names.
A child should not have to assume adult duties because you won't.
A child should not want to die because they feel there's nothing worth living for.
A child should have the chance to be a child.

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